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No One's pov

Y/n was on her way to the rooftop. She received a text from Yedam that he wanted to eat lunch with her there. Since it was her first time eating lunch with a friend, she was so excited that she immediately left the class when break started. When she reaches the rooftop, she took a few breaths before opening the door.


The rooftop was empty as the author's soul. No one was there.

I guess he'll be a little late.


Im at the rooftop whr r u?

Mr Midam is holding me back
I'm gonna introduce u to my friend
I'll be there soon
dun miss me too much ;)


Y/n walk around the rooftop trying to find a clean spot to place her butt on. She finally sits down and takes out her lunchbox. It was just filled with rice and not much side dish. Just kimchi she got from her neighbour, some sesame seeds and ketchup she bought on sale.

"I'm a broke ass bitc-"

"Wah! The air is so fresh today!"

She turns around with excitement upon hearing a voice. She thought it was Yedam but nOpE. It was a boy with a plastic bag in his hand.

"Uh... who are you?"

He asks as she stares at him suspiciously. Y/n stayed silent. She felt like she seen him somewhere before...

Where have i seen this dude before...

"Ah! You're Y/n, right? The rumoured Y/n!"

Ah shit, here we go again. Just ignore him, y/n...

She continued eating her rice trying to avoid interaction with him.

"Yah! I'm talking to you. Don't ignore me."

She pretended like he didn't exist at all and began texting Yedam telling him to come to the rooftop quick but Yedam didn't even read the messages she sent.

"Oh, so you're Yedam's friend huh?"

Y/n flinched when she realised his head was next to hers, trying to take a peek at her cellphone.

"HOLY SHIT- Yah! Don't scare me like that!"

"Oh? So you can speak. I thought you had a sore throat or something."

He sits down next to Y/n and takes out something from his plastic bag. It was just a sandwich and a can of soda from 7eleven.

And i thought my meal was pathetic...

"What are you staring at?"

"Is that all you're going to eat?"

"I could ask the same to you..."

"Fair enough..."

They ate in silence...

"Aren't you scared?"

"Of what?"

"The rumours about me. Don't you think it's best if you avoid me? You told Yedam the rumours when we met at the vending machines, right?"

"Oh that? I did. It was just for Yedam's safety tho."

"His safety?"

He sighs.

"Never mind. How about we forget about the past and the things people say around us?"

"... i-"

"Let me introduce myself."

He made a loud coughing noise and smiles.

"Hi, Nice to meet you. My name is Kim Junkyu."

Y/n was confused. Did this guy hate her? Is he just messing with her? Is he just doing this cause he is Yedam's friend?

"Umm... I swear i'm not messing with you..."

Holy shit...

Suddenly, tears started flowing out of Y/n's eyes.

"Yah yah yah! Why are you crying? Did i say something wrong? Uh i'll be better, better, better for you..."

"N-Nice to meet you... I'm Y/n..."

On that day, Y/n made her second friend.

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