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I followed Yedam wherever he was going. I know it makes him uncomfortable but... I'm desperate.

What was I even thinking? Making a stranger a Friend?

"So... where do you want to go?"

He asks and I started thinking.

"What do friends do when hanging out?"

He gives me a judging stare and sigh.

"You really never had friends before, huh? Although you're in high school... are you a first year?"

"I'm a first year. I never really hung out with my friends. Today was supposed to be my first time but they... left,"

"They bailed on you?"

He stops at an ice cream truck and started to order.

Aww man I want ice cream too...

"Yeah. I was such an idiot to think they were my friends. They even-... never mind."

"They even? Why'd you pause?"

"You won't want to listen to my rants right?"

"What are you talking about?"

He turns around with Two ice cream cone. He passes one to me.

"You can rant all you want. That's what friends do,"

No one's POV

Y/n and Yedam were sitting on a picnic table, eating their ice cream. Y/n rant her heart out and Yedam just kept listening. He felt bad hearing what Y/n went through. Too bad he couldn't do anything but be her friend.

"Yah. Bang yedam."

"Be more formal towards me will ya?"


"Cause I'm older."


"Yeah. Call me sunbaenim."

Y/n stares at him and grin.

"No way. Formalities are too long. Anyways, Yedam! Tell me more about yourself?"


"Yes you. Like what you like or some stories that are exciting... actually ignore the latter, you look like a boring person."

"Excuse me? Just so you know, I'm not a boring person."

"Oh really? Tell me one exciting thing about yourself."

"I can do almost anything."

"I take it back. You're not boring, you're a narcissist."

"I'm not. That's Haruto's job."

Who the fork is Haruto? Is he talking bout the ninja guy?

"I don't believe you,"

"You don't have to. But you just need to know,"

"I'm pretty sure you can take that Naruto guy's job now. Tell me something else... That is a fact."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. You're my Friend for tonight only so... Tell me something you've never told anyone."

"Hmm... I like this girl from my school..."

"Ooo... someone's in love. Tell me! Tell me! T-T-Tell me!"

"She's really pretty and sweet. We've been together since middle school. I wanted to confessed to her during my first year of high school... but..."


"She started dating someone else..."

"Whoa... Heart break man."

"You know what's worse? She was dating my Best Friend."

"Double kill."

"They were in love for like 2 years and I've been a third wheeler."

"That's sad..."


Y/n didn't think that Yedam was the type to be a third wheel. To her, he looked like someone who'd be the annoying wing man. She sighs.

At least he had friends.

"What about you? How come you don't have any friends?"

"Rubbing insult to my wounds, eh?"

"I mean you seem like a nice girl. Seem. I don't think anyone would hate you."

"... The world is extra cruel to me I Guess."

Awkward silence. Yedam and Y/n eat our ice cream in silence. She took her final bite and stood up.

"ANYWAYS, enough sappy stories. Lets have fun. The night is still young!"

She turns and face Yedam who was still eating his ice cream. She smiles.

"Besides, you're my first and last Friend that I will ever have."

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