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"Oh my god! Yedam! You suck!"

"I'm trying my best Okay!"

"Stop trying and just do it!"

"Why don't you do it, then?"

"I got no more tokens."

"You're the one who wanted it!"

"You're the one who agreed to it!"

"Couples these days sure fight over small things."

The man in charge of the stall said. I checked his name tag which says, 'Lee Byuggon'. Yedam and I look at each other and look at him. I began shaking my head and laughed.

"Sorry sir... but this girl isn't my girlfriend..."
Yedam said.

"Really? Then, you guys must be childhood friends..."

"Ah no... we just met today. Like 5 hours ago..."

"So this is what you call speed dating?"

"What no! That's tinder- we're not dating."

I answered and the man gave us a judging look.  He shrugs it off and turn to the back of his stall. He squad down and began searching for something.

"Well since you guys been trying from just now, I might as well give you a prize..."

"The book-"

"I can't give you that however."

"Aw man..."

I poured and Yedam pats my shoulder. I wasted my money trying and in the end didn't get anything.

"Don't be upset. Instead, here are matching phone charms."

"Oh my god that is so cute."

I exclaimed. He passes us one of each. I got a crescent moon and Yedam got a star. We left the stall.

"Phone charms. Lame. You can have mine."

"What? No dude! Let's have matching phone charms!"


"We won't meet again. So have it as a memory of tonight. The moon and star. We're like once in a night Friend. Is not like we'll meet again anyways. Keep it please. For me."

"You sure?"

"Yeah! Besides, you got a star. Which means..." I smiled idiotically at him. "You're a star!"

He rolls his eyes and smiled. I checked the time. It was 10 o clock. I should go home now. But... I didn't want to leave.

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm... Let go for one last ride!"

"Umm... It seems like everything is closing down..."

"Ah.. That's too bad."

Although we first met tonight, it felt like Yedam was my friends for so Long who's about to say his last goodbye to me.

"Don't be sad. I'll walk you to the bus stop."

I smiled at him. It's sad... I didn't want to leave him. I know I said for one night... but... I wished he was my Friend Everyday. I want to be his Friend. His real Friend... what should I tell him? I can't tell him I wanted him to stay.

"Umm Hey..."

I faced him as he scratched his head. He took out his phone and passed me his phone.

"You seemed like a cool girl. I don't understand why people don't wanna be your Friend..."

"Me either."

He laughs awkwardly.

"Umm... Let's be friends."

My eyes widened. I've never been so happy. I finally hear the 3 words I've been waiting for. Who would've thought... I'll meet my first Friend here in the carnival. My eyes started getting teary.

"W-Why are you crying?!"

I didn't want to answer so I just hugged him.

"It's okay. We'll meet again one day."

S t r a n g e r s  》Bang YedamМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя