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Y/n's pov

"From today onwards, you will not need to go to school anymore. You're being forced transferred."


"Ms Jeon, your behaviour."

I sat back down. When i went to the principal's office, the first thing the principal told me was that i had to transfer.

"May i ask why i'm being transferred?"

"You still have the nerve to ask? You bullied my daughter, didn't you?"

"What? I never-"

"You've been bullying her since the day you  transferred here and she's been keeping it a secret from me! She told me yesterday that you bullied her and pulled her collar!"

"What?! But i didn't! She's the one who bullied me! She doesn't have any evidence that i bullied her!"

The principal then pulled out her phone and showed me a video. It was about when i grabbed her by the collar when she spoke ill of my mother.


"From your background, it seems that you don't have any parents. Did you parents fail to raise you properly? Don't you feel ashamed of yourself?"

"But i really didn't bully her! I'm the victim of your daughter's bullying!"

"Where's the evidence, Ms Jeon-"

"You can ask everyone from the first year building! You can ask all my classmates..."

"But there are even witnesses who says that you indeed bullied my daughter."

"But i'm speaking the truth! Those witnesses are afraid of your daughter that's why they lied..."

"You have no evidence, Ms Jeon. I advise that you stay away from my daughter and this school. You're lucky it's just a transfer."

I... Yedam... He's my only evidence... but.. he's been avoiding me... i can't ask Junkyu... I can't ask anyone else... since i... since i have no one else...

"Please leave my office, Ms Jeon."

"What about CCTV cameras?!"


"But but-"

Before i could even say anything else, the teacher pulled me out of the office. My eyes became teary again. I couldn't... do anything... i should've expected it...

I shouldn't have became friends with Yedam... i shouldn't have been too happy with him... i was too happy... that's why... I can't be happy...

I start crying softly. I cried but this time... Yedam isn't here with me. Yedam isn't there to hug me. I wasn't crying in front of Yedam anymore...

Y/n stop. You need to stop crying. Crying won't fix anything. You need to do something... you need to find someone... but who would want to... wait...

I wiped my tears and took a deep breath before slapping myself. I then whisper motivational words to myself. I started walking to the staff room.

She wanted to ask me that time... if she really cared, then she would listen to me right?

When i reached the staff room, i walk to the teacher's desk. The teacher was shocked to see me bow.

"Can i... please... I... I have something to talk about... so please... please listen."

No One's POV

The teacher and Y/n spent about 2 hours tlaking and talking. Y/n grew fond of the teacher. Turns out, the teacher does care for Y/n but Y/n misunderstood it. Y/n placed the teacher in the same category as the other teachers without even knowing her. When the teacher came out of the office, Y/n asks her with eager.

"Am i still transferred, Ms Jang?"

"I'm sorry... You're still being transferred... I talked to the principal and i got a few students to talk in your case..."

"They defended me?"

"You think everyone is watching you because they hate you but in reality they're just scared... Everyone is here for you..."

"But... why would... why would Ji Eun do that?"

"I'm not too sure myself..."

"... how many days do i have before I transfer?"

"Till about Friday."

"I see.."

"I'm sorry... Y/n. Remember when i first asked you, you told me that the reason i asked was because i wanted to get a raise... but actually i really wanted to help you. I became a teacher because i wanted to help my students... even if i get fired in the end."

"... but... Ms Jang... I-"

"I'm glad i helped you Y/n."

She smiles and i gave her a hug. Just how many people am i gonna trouble? First Yedam and then Junkyu. Now, Ms Jang and Grandma.

I.. I can't trouble anyone... i shouldn't...

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