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No One's POV

"Hey, let's hang out."

Yedam suddenly suggested when the three  friends were eating at the rooftop during break. It has been about 5 days since Junkyu and Y/n became friends. Ever since then, Junkyu would always wait outside of her class so they could go to the rooftop together. Their classes are next to each other's afterall.

"What do you mean? Aren't we hanging out right now?"

Junkyu says as he continues eating his cold sandwich and soda. Y/n stopped eating her rice and kimchi lunchbox that she packed.

Am i going to hang out with my friends?! For real?!

"I meant like this Saturday. Let's watch a movie together or go karaoke... What do you think, Y/n-"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Y/n answered before Yedam could even finished his question. He smiles at Y/n who looked cute to him. Junkyu notices this and coughed, obviously trying to gain attention from the both of them.

"I don't know... I might be busy this weekend..."

"Your mom is coming home in the weekend?"

"Well more like at Saturday Night we will have dinner together. Finally."

"That's great dude!"

Y/n just stare at them. They really get along well and she never seen any other students as excited as Junkyu when their parents were gonna have dinner with them.

"Ah. Sorry, y/n. You must be confused... Junkyu's parents are usually extremely busy."

"So to have my mother having dinner with me, it's like a luxury. A once in a lifetime opportunity kind of thing..."

They explained and she mouthed an O.

"So that's why you eat THAT... I'm so sorry for you."

Y/n pointed at Junkyu's cold 7Eleven Sandwich. He pointed at her lunchbox.

"I could say the same to you. Kimchi and rice? How do you live?"

"I save money and that's good..."

"Unlike you, i don't have to save money."

"*cough* silver spoon *cough*"

"I heard that you lil sh-"

"You guys get along well..."

Yedam says as he stare at the two of them with a smile.

"I'm kind of relieved since i thought you guys would hate each other's throat or something since you guys are kinda similar..."

He then place his lunchbox down.

"Then, shall we move it to Sunday?"

"Sure i don't mind."

"I'm cool with it."

"Then, it's official. We're hanging out this Sunday."

Yedam then looks at Y/n with a smile.

"And Y/n. If you ever get bored of your meal, you can have some of mine."

Time skip~

Y/n arrived at the Karaoke place 30 mimutes early because she was so excited. She couldn't sleep the night before because she never went out with a friend before.

I wonder if i look normal... It took me about an hour to decide on what to wear...


Y/n turned around to see Junkyu. He waved at her and she waved back before walking towards him.

"Where's Yedam?"

"He hasn't arrive yet because we are suppose to meet 30 minutes later..."

"Oh yeah... sorry i was just too excited hehe... this is my first friends gathering afterall..."

"Really? Then, it's fine."

"What about you? Why are you here so early?"

"Oh i was uh... excited too?"

"I see!"

She smiles.

"Umm... wanna walk around while we wait for Yedam?"

"Yeah, sure!"

They walked around the plaza and the two ended up buying ice cream.

"You sure it's a good idea to eat before our hang out?"

"It's a mini party. Don't worry just eat. Yedam won't know."

"Haha okay..."

As the two ate their ice cream, Junkyu decided to ask Y/n a question.

"How did you guys met?"


"You and Yedam?"

"Ah! Well-..."

Shit i can't just tell him i met him at a carnival when he ditched his friends... That'd be weird....

"I approached him and asked him to be my friend..."

Holy shit that's even weirder.

"Mmm... cool."

"What about you?"

"... Yedam and I knew each other for a long time..."

"Is that so? Must be nice..."

They continued eating their ice cream in awkward silence. Suddenly...

"Hey, Y/n... Do you like Yedam?"

"Yeah, i like him."

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