Chapter 2: Randomness

Start from the beginning

Time skip to later....

Ruby and Yang then walked into the kitchen to have a snack of their favorite snack foods but they then noticed that the cookie jar and the Pumpkin Pete's cereal was gone.

"W-where are the cookies and the cereal?!?!" Ruby gasped as she looked around the kitchen to see if the treats were anywhere and now Yang was angry.

"Whoever took away the treat are gonna pay." Yang said while cracking her knuckles. But then Ruby peaked up sniffing with her nose and Yang noticed this. "What is sis you smell the cookies?"

"Yes!" Ruby exclaimed. "Follow me sis!" Ruby then took off running with Yang close behind her. 

Scene then switches to Michael and Hartmann sitting in the schools court yard helping themselves to the treats they had 'ahem' "Taken" from the kitchen. 

"You know Hartmann this cereal does taste too bad." Michael said as he ate another spoon full of Pumpkin Pete's.

"Hmm, I'll have to try it then." Hartmann replied. "But these cookies are pretty good as well *Eats another one*."

The treats they were eating were far better then anything military graded food could offer but there treat was soon short lived.

"Michael, Hartmann." Ruby said as she appeared next to the two with a evil grin on her face. "Are those the treats from the kitchen?"

"" Michael said nervously. Then Yang walked up next to her sister cracking her knuckles. "Umm... HARTMANN RUN!" Michael and Hartmann then threw the food and the sisters and made a run for it. The two sisters dodged the thrown food and Ruby sped ahead of the two getaways blocking their way of going forward when they tried to turn around Yang was blocking that way as well.

"So you helped yourself to our treats, Huh?" Ruby asked as she got out her scythe. 

"To be fair it was Michaels idea, I had no part in it." Hartmann said.

"What the heck Hartmann?!" Michael exclaimed.

"But you still helped him right?" Yang asked with a look of anger. "So that makes you apart of the crime."

"Any last words?" Ruby asked.

"We can still talk this out right?" Michael asked nervously.

"Nope!" Ruby said and then threw a pie at Michael then hit him in the face knocking him out. "Since you ate our treats the punishment is a pie to the face."

"Oh god no." Hartmann muttered. "Come on Ruby I didn't want to steal your treats away we talk this ou-!" Hartmann was then struck in the back of the head with a pie thrown from Yang and then the two sisters walked up to the two Military men.

"Maybe you will now think twice before you take someone's stuff." Yang said and the two sisters walked back to get their treats.

"Ugh... this... isn't... over...yet...ugh." Michael muttered before he passed out.

Scene ends!!!

Scene change brought to by chibi Ryan running across the set hip-firing his M60 until he could no longer be seen.

Skit #3: Target shooting...(Featuring: Ryan, Henry, John, Ruby, Blake, and David.)

Scene Shows David with a clip board in his hands with a pencil while writing down a few things. As the Students were standing side by side waiting for instructions from David.

"Now this final test will be a test of accuracy." David explained. "The more times you hit your target directly in the center the more points you get."

Soon David walked up to Henry and the WW1 British soldier readied his rifle and took aim at his target down range which was a big bullseyes. 

"Aim, Fire!" David ordered and Henry fired his first shot at hit the target dead in the center and then pulled back the bolt and readied another shot and fired again hitting the target to a little bit to the left of the center and then Henry fired one last time and hit the just right of the target. Soon David wrote down his score on his clip board and would judge it later. "Not bad, moving on."

David then move to Ruby who had her sniper/scythe aimed down at the target ready to fire. 

"Fire!" David yelled and Ruby rapid-fired three shots at her target basically all in the center and David took her score. "Decent, next!"

Then it was Johns turn and he loaded up his Thompson SMG and took aim down the range. 

"Do some shooting!" David order and John pulled the trigger on his Thompson and fired a short burst because each person was allowed to fire only three shots. The three shots that John fired hit just above the bullseye and David wrote his score. "Could use a little work, moving on." 

He then approached Blake who loaded a magazine into her pistol and then aimed at the target. 

"Lets see what you can do." David said and Blake took her shots carefully so she wouldn't miss the center of the target. Soon after she had fired three rounds her shots had hit in the center of the target so she wasn't a bad shot. "Good shooting, now who is next?"

David soon approached Ryan and he didn't see that the Vietnam Marine was loading up his M60 and was already trained on the target. 

"Alright you are cl-" David was cut off when Ryan pulled the trigger on his M60 catching David off guard and causing him to fall over. 

(Ryan fired like this...Not my video btw...)

Soon Ryan emptied the entire 100 round-belt at his target pretty much shredding his target to pieces until there was noting left. After David had recovered he looked to see Ryan's target reduced to nothing and Ryan was looking back a David with a grin on his face.

"Why go for Accuracy? When you can have rate of fire, you are more likely to hit something that way." Ryan said still grinning. David didn't take too kindly to that as now had a mad look on his face. 

"NO NO! You are gonna do that again until you get it right!" David yelled but the Grin on Ryan's face didn't go away. 

"Nah, I don't think I will, that is passing in my book." Ryan said and turned around and walked away swinging his M60 over his shoulder. David then pouted.

"He never learns does he?" David asked the others.

"NOPE!" Ryan yelled back. "AND I DONT INTEND TO!"

Scene ends...


and that will do it for this chapter!!!

Two updates on two books in one day Nice!!

Anyways which book do you want me to update next please let me know!

And as always stay tuned for more!!

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