Chapter 34

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Today Randy and I plan on going to the shore and having a picnic at the little spot right next to the house."Mroning breakfast," a voice said. Randy and I looked at eachother weirdly. Then there was a knock at the door. "Uh come inhe said.

"I brought you guys the breakfast your friends set up for us to make you this morning," she said handing us a tray with two plates on pancakes and some other breakfast items. "Oh well thank you." She left and we ate our breakfast while watching a recording if Monday Night Raw on the tv. "You know the Shield is getting very popular,"I said.

"How could you even think of them after what Seth tried to do?"

"I don't know they are all my friends except Seth."

"Yah so do you know who might be coming after your belt?"

"Well Vince mentioned either Eva or one of the twins sadly."

"well then this is a time where you can let your emotions come out onto the mat."

"Oh yah those girls will get what's coming their way."

"Your such a dork," he said and threw a peice of bacon at me.

"Thanks for the bacon," I said and took a bite out of it making us both laugh. We finished our food and got into our bakinis and swim trunks. Then we walked hand in hand down to the little cove that was down there.
"Ever gone skinny dipping?" Randy asked.
"Well I'm not 7 you know of course."
"But not with a guy as sexy as you."
"Well Roman is pretty sexy just kidding haha is never get naked in front of my bestfriend."
"Well let's do it," he said and took off his shorts exposing well everything. I walked over to him. "Wanna help," I asked pointing to the tie of my baking top. "Hell yes," he said and untied my top and bottoms.They fell to the floor and a smirk played across his face. He picked me up bridal style and carried me into the water.
It was the perfect temperature not too cold and not too hot. "How the hell did I get so lucky with you?" He asked.
"You tell me huh tell me about what you remember from the first time we met."
"The coffee or the actual meeting?"
"All of it," I said with a smile.
"Okay but first..." he started and crashed his lips with mine. We were in the midst of a full make out session and I was loving it. He grabbed my ass and I smirked into the kiss. "randy you know I won't stop once you get too touchy," I whispered.
"I know."
"God you're so sexy," I whispered and wrapped my legs around his waist. And of course Orton and his hotness carried the make out feat into the bedroom. 😏
I laid next to my beautiful husband all tangled up in blankets and sheets. "So baby tell me what you remember."
"Well I remember the very first time. I just got signed to Evolution and I was stoked. I grabbed a coffee and made my merry way down to catering. I was just a couple minutes away and I turned the corner and my coffee was all over me. And the most beautiful girl I've ever seen was staring up at me biting her lip. You told me you were sorry and I of course being the arrogant douchebag I was flipped out. I thought I lost my chance at getting to know and angel."
I kissed his nose he's so cute when he tries to do stuff like this.
"Now tell me about the time we formally well not formally but actually talked."
"Ummm well I was waiting for you guys in the limo so I could show you around and introduce you a bit. Maddy was with you of course and introduced you guys and hinted at the coffee. And then I got it. It was you and you weren't too happy that I found out. Then we got to the arena and we had to have Maddy stay back during your meeting. But first you guys met Dolph aka Nick and he was fitting with you guys and you kept it up. We found out your character and everything. Then we came back out and Nick and Maddy had pretty much found their soul mate."
"I can't believe you remember all this."
"I know now I want you to tell me something," he said.
"Tell me about our first date. "
"Well on our first date you took me to the movies and we saw the cheesiest romance movie ever. But you stood with me through it and that meant a lot. Halfway through the movie you snuck your arm around me. Then we bailed and went to watch a horror movie. You were into it but being the wimp I am was not. We might have made out a bit after and I think that's when I knew I really liked you."
"Hmm now tell me about how you chose me over Seth."
I was kinda hoping he wouldn't bring that up but I guess since we are married now there's nothing to hold back.
"Well Seth and I had a very very deep connection and you ended up beating the shit out of him. I felt so bad and I knew you would stop at nothing. So I told Seth that I couldn't do tit because I was ruining his life. Randy you could've killed him. For me and that how I knew you were the one. Plus a couple of phone calls from Maddy but either way you are the one for me."
He pulled me closer and cradled me into his chest. A feeling of security and warmth came over me. I kissed his bare chest and nuzzled myself into it. We fell asleep together and it was wonderful.

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