Chapter 13: Round and Round

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I ran up to Seth and gave him a big hug.

"So are you okay?"

"Am now" I replied causing him to smile.

"So what happened."

"Cody touched me inappropriately, but Roman is taking care of it."

"Why Roman?"

"Because I knew he wouldn't take it to far or make a huge scene."

"You could've asked me."

"I didn't want your pretty face getting beat up?" I said, touching his cheek.

"I appreciate it but I want you know that I will protect you no matter how dangerous it is."

"Thanks Seth."

"Anything for you."

I looked up into his big brown eyes and we just stared at eachother. He leaned in and our lips crashed. The moment was spectacular, but not like the first time I kissed Randy. I pulled out and we both just looked at eachother and smiled. The shield's music started playing and Roman nudged me. I didn't realize he came back.

"Sorry but we gotta go."

"I'll wait for you guys here." They nodded and left going down the arena's stairs. I watched the match from there and just waited patiently.

The match ended and I couldn't believe it. Randy sure gave Seth a peice of his mind and I was almost in tears. I felt tears coming down my cheeks as I watched Roman and Dean carrying the unconscious Seth out of the ring. Look at what I've caused. This is all my fault if I never came then he wouldn't be in the conditon he is now. I started crying as Roman and Dean helped Seth into the room. "Seth." I yelled tears streaming down my face."

"I'll be ok." he murmered.

"Seth I'm sorry this is all my fault."

He shook his head and the guys propped him on their shoulders and took him into the lockeroom where I followed."This is all my fault." I said my hands on my head as I tried to calm down.

"I shouldn't have brought you into this. I can't let this happen to you. I have to end this." I said. " Seth I'm sorry I really like you and I wanted us to have a future but this can't be happening. I've made my decision and I think it will make me and everyone happy." I leaned over to him as he was sitting on the couch. He was still kind of dazed. "Remember me like this." I said as I kissed him passionately. He kissed back and we were there for a minute. I then ran out of the room.


I was in my lockeroom after my match. I sure gave Seth what he deserved. Swooping Brooke up, she's mine. I was just sitting on the couch when the door opened. It was Brooke. She sat next to me. "Brooke." I said.

"Randy, I've realized my mistake and I forgive you."

"I knew you would Brooke. I love you soo much."

"I'm sorry Randy, I love you too, do you forgive me?"

"Of course I do."

"Let's go home baby." she said. I nodded and we left the arena.

When we got back I got dressed in some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I was sitting at the table and Brooke came out in an oversized t-shirt and underwear. I grinned and she came over and sat on my lap.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah." she said biting my ear.

"Pizza." we both said in unison. We both giggled and I got up and grabbed my phone to order pizza. She sat on the couch staring at me. I ordered the pizza and I sat down next to her. I turned the tv on and she took the remote out of my hand and put on Ridiculousness. "Just like we used to." I said.

She nodded and sat up putting her head on my lap. I smiled as we watched the show. I could hear her giggling at the show and I kissed her head.

About 20 minutes passed and there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was the pizza guy. I grabbed the pizza and handed him the money and he was on his way out.


I am pretty proud of my decision to stay with Randy. I loved being around him and my heart raced. When I kissed Seth for the first time earlier it was nothing like the first time I had kissed Randy. I know I made the right decision, but if this picks up then I don't know what I'll do. Randy came back with two plates with pizza on them. I sat up and ate my pizza. We were still watching the show and I had a little trouble keeping my food in my mouth with all the hilarious things they were doing.

When we were done Randy took my plate and threw it away in the garbage in the kitchen. When he came back and said, "Oh you have sauce on your lip." I grabbed my napkin but he grabbed my hand and kissed me. "Almost got it." he said and kissed me again. It was so sweet. I smiled and he chuckled. "Was there anything on my lip?"

"No but your outfit is driving me crazy."

I giggle and I kissed him. He looked so cute right now. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.


I got up and grabbed a peice of paper that was supposed to have a list of rental movies on it. I purposely dropped it and bent over. I looked back and Randy was smirking. I laughed and I jumped on him. We decided on Benchwarmers. I love that movie but Randy said he had never seen it.

When the movie arrived I put it into the dvd player. We started watching the movie and Randy put his arm around me. I started cuddling with him. We were laughing pretty much the whole movie. When it was over we ordered some ice cream from room service. When it came I got two spoons. I then I turned off the tv and we started eating it. Randy was staring at me while he was eating his. I dipped my finger in the ice cream and wiped it on his nose. He put his in the ice cream and put it on my forehead. Before I knew it we had ice cream all over us. I got my spoon and put ice cream on it. Randy was hiding behind the couch doing who knows what. I ran up to him and flung the ice cream off my spoon. It landed on his face. "Gotcha." I said.

"Oh you're dead."

I ran into the room and shut the door. Randy came in with the carton of ice cream and ran over at me. He dumped it on me and we started wrestling.He was on top of me and he said "This time you do have something on your lip." He started kissing me and I kissed back. Ice cream everywhere. I pulled out and said, "Okay I think we should clean this up a bit."

"There's people to do that."

"Yeah, so what do you wanna do now?"

"Ummm I don't know what do you wanna do?"

"Let's go to the park." I said getting up.I grabbed a blanket and we got in the car and stopped at a nearby park. It was really dark outside. I checked my phone and it was 11:52. "Wow it's getting late." I said.

"So what are we doing here."

"Well Mr.Orton we are going to watch the stars."

"Sounds great."

I laid out the blanket and we laid on it. We were just laying there looking at the stars. "Broooke you know I love you right?"

"Of course you never let me forget."

"Well I do and I don't want you to ever go away."

"I love you too babe."

I rolled on top of him and we started making out. After a while we just went back to watching the stars.

As we got into the car to go to the hotel I hit my head on the car and we started laughing.

"You have such a cute laugh." he said.

"Psshhh, I wish."

We then go to the hotel and we decided to go to sleep. I kissed Randy goodnight and we cuddled as I drifted off.

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