Chapter 28:Winning The Title

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So Randy's meeting with my parents went quite well. Better than expected actually. Well honestly they adore him and my father welcomes him into the family with open arms.

Today was the day I finally get my title shot against Paige and I was pumped. I got out of bed to see Randy laying there sleeping like a rock. Maybe it was because of last night. I smirked and headed into the kitchen. Maddy was there to as well as Dolph. "Hey there lovebirds!" I said and waved.

"Hey there lonely," Dolph smirked.

"You're lucky she's having your baby because I would've smacked that smirk right off your face." his grin faded obviously he though I wasn't kidding which I totally was.

"So any plans today?" I asked.

"Well I was gonna come to the arena to watch the bestie since day one win her Divas championship match."

"Yes Yes Yes!" I said mimicking Daniel Bryan.

"You guys hungry?" I asked. They both nodded and drifted over to the couch where they turned on the television.

I ended up making French toast and eggs. As I was placing the food on plates I felt two arms wrap around me.

I took in the comfort and finished plating the food. I turned and pecked Randy on the cheek.

"I knew you still loved me?" A voice said. I turned and the man I had kissed was Seth not Randy.

"What the?"

"Surprise we came over for breakfast."

I turned to the living room and everyone was staring at me in shock.

"I didn't mean to but I thought you were Randy."

"Sure you did Hun but Randy won't find out right?" I nodded.

"What happened to that girl you were talking to anyways."

"What girl?"

"You know the one I caught you talking to when we went swimming."

"Oh her well it didn't work out."


"She wasn't you."

I whipped my head back around pretending to ignore the last part. Seth still has feelings for me and knowing him he won't give up.

Randy came down and pecked my lips and I felt eyes on me. No doubt they say me kiss Seth's cheek in accident. Honestly I did still have feelings for Seth but Randy has never wronged me and Randy and I are soul mates.
They ate their food and I noticed Seth and Madison glancing at me over the table. I pretended like i didn't notice and kept eating my food.
Okay so now it's Monday Night Raw. Tonight I get another title match this time against Rosa. And mark my words she will be conquered. I pulled up my short shorts to the new gear I got today. It was red with lace everywhere. It was almost as showy as Nikki Bella's but more classy. I loved it matter of fact.
I laced up my boots and Maddy walked into the lockeroom.
"What are you doing guests aren't supposed to be in here!"
"Well my boyfriend is a major superstar and my best friend is getting a title shot tonight so I think it's okay."
"I guess."
"Have you decided what you are going to do for Christmas?"
"We are going to my parents house."
"Does Randy know?"
"Not yet but we are going to my parents house."
She nodded and gave me a hug. Just after Nikki Bella walked by and nudged Madison's shoulder on the way out.
"Watch it Bella."
"Ugh you're not even supposed to be in here."
"You're just mad because you're not gonna be champion tonight like Brooke."
"Oh yeah so jealous of your rat-faced best friend."
"Better than two fat ass twins."
Nikki came right into Madison's face pushing her chest out. I immediately got up and held Maddy back. Before I knew it there was an all out brawl. Me on Brie and Nikki and Maddy all over each other. Brie and I realized the right thing and we wet after Nikki and Maddy. We finally pulled them apart and noticed both of them had a few battle scars.
"You better watch your back Walters!" Nikki yelled walking out of the room. I scoffed and looked over at my best friend. Her lip was bleeding, hair tossed, and a bruise starting to form on her cheek.
"What are we going to do with you," I giggled. She got up and left probably to the trainers room to get ice.
I heard my name get called over the intercom and I was pumped.
I ran over and my music started to play. I ran out, slapped a few hands, and slid into the ring. I did my pose earning cheers from all around the arena.
Rosa came out with her belt. I don't event understand how she got it in the first place. She got off the turnbuckle and the bell rang. We locked up and I tossed her to the side with ease. She got back up and slapped me right across the face. I held my cheek. She followed up with a punch right to my stomach. I groaned in pain them decked her in the face. She held her face and I bounced off the ropes delivering a drop kick. A couple minutes passed and Rosa was on top. Alicia had come out to assist her which is how she got on top. Then the shields music came on. Great what the hell is going on.
They came down and Seth waited in my corner. I really hope he doesn't do something stupid. Rosa threw me into my corner and I moaned. Seth helped me up from the apron. I mumbled a thanks and got up. Roman got the crowd to start cheering for me and clapping. I started to feel the adrenaline going through my veins. I exploded out of the corner with a close line. She got up and I delivered a DDT. She still would this up. She picked herself up with the assistance of the ropes. I then have her a big boot and I'm pretty sure she was out now. I went for the sixth cover of the night. One...two...three. My music played and I felt better than ever. The Shield came in and Dean and Roman raised my hands in victory. Seth came up behind me and spun me around. I looked at him confused until I found his lips on mine.

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