Chapter 8: Ups and Downs

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I woke up curled up next to Randy who was fast asleep with his arms wrapped around me. It was Tuesday. Randy had me head over heels after that amazing day last week and our bond has only gotten stronger since.My phone started to buzz. I got out of Randy's grip, grabbed my phone and headed into the hotel living room. It was Roman.

"hey Roman what's up?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the gym.We haven't hung out in a while."

"Yeah sorry about that I've been a little occupied lately." I said peeking into the room to see Randy still asleep.

"It's alright so do you wanna go?"

"yeah I'll be down in like 10 minutes."

"okay see yah there."

I went into the bedroom and grabbed a sports bra and some bicycle shorts and put them on in the bathroom. I was heading down the hallway putting my hair up and I ran into something. "Wow sorry." said a voice.

"No it was my fault." I said. A hand reached out to help me up. As I got up I noticed that it was none other than Seth Rollins.

"So how have you been?" he asked.

"Great yeah just heading to the gym, what about you."

"Oh well I was heading to the gym too and I'm good."

"How's Eva?"

"Fine yeah she got a new phone." he said while giggling.

"Well I'm gonna go to the gym." I said not finding his joke very funny.

"I'll walk you there."

"Sounds good." I said starting to walk towards the gym . I wonder if he still had any feelings for me? I doubt it. When we got in I saw Roman lifting some weights and Seth greeted him and joined. I decided to stretch out for a bit before I got my hands dirty. I could see Seth staring at me from the corner of my eyes. I decided to go do some core excersises. I was there about 15 minutes then Roman walked over to me and said, "Seth and I are gonna head over to the ring, wanna come?"

"Sure." I said getting up.

We walked down a hallway and into a dim room with a ring in the middle and some benches. "Okay I'll start with Roman," said Seth. I nodded and became the referee. Just watching Seth move was poetry. I saw Roman staring at me he had Seth pinned. "Oh sorry one..twoo.." Seth kicked out. I think he knew that I was staring at him. I couldn't anymore. I love Randy and Randy loves me. After about 10 more minutes Roman had won Seth pinning him after a spear. "I'll go now." I said. "Loser gets to fight." said Roman looking at Seth who was still recuperating after the spear. I eyed him evily and he looked back realizing the mistake he had made. I got in the ring waiting for Seth. "I'll take it easy on you because I know Randy would kill me if he found out I hurt you." Seth said.

"Too late." I replied.

He got what I meant and the match started. I dropped kicked him then got up and began swinging. He caught my arm and threw me into the ropes and clothesline me. I got up and gave him a bulldog. He got up and gave me a ddt. "Love Randy." I said. He was hanging on the apron and I grabbed him head first and gave him a ddt off the second rope like Randy does during his matches. I then pinned Seth for a two count. He picked me up and gave me a suplex. Wow that hurt. I could barely get myself up I had to use the ropes. He walked up to me and pushed me down and went for the pin with a two count. I kicked out, but he didn't get off he just stayed there looking into my eyes. We just stared at eachother. The doors opened and in came Randy. "What are you doing!" he yelled. Seth got off of me and slid out of the ring away from Randy. Randy came into the ring right beside me as I got up. "What are you doing? This guy hurt you and I was the only one there for you. How could you do this?''

"Randy I didn't mean too, we were just practicing." Randy stormed out slamming the door and I ran after him. "Randy, Randy wait! We were just practicing."

"that didn't look like practicing to me."

"Well it was come on."

"I can't believe you."

"Randy remember last Thursday the whole day. We were having soo much fun. Don't let Seth ruin this. Don't let Seth ruin us."

"When I get my hands on him..."

"Randy you won't have to I'm done with him. Come on the only people that matter are just you and me." I grabbed his arm and spun him around towards me. I could see the anger in his eyes. He leaned in and our lips crashed. That's how I knew everything was okay. After about a minute of kissing I felt him start to calm down.

"Randy I love you."

"Brooke I love you too."

"Let's not do this again."

"No more Seth right?"

"Promise." I said grabbing his hand.

We walked back to the hotel room and ordered pizza and just sat on the couch as we patiently waited. Every now and then we would peck eachother's lips. I loved him and nothing will ever come between us again.


The ending is kinda cheesy I know but the next few chapters will be a lot better I promise!!!

The Viper's VenomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora