Chapter 15: Truth or Dare

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Maddy decided she was going to start the game.

"Umm Brooke truth or dare."

"Ummm well I don't really trust you with a dare so truth."

"How many bf gf relationships have you had with wwe superstars?"

"Two." I looked over at Seth who was staring at me and Randy who was looking down, a frown playing across his face.

"Okay so Dean truth or dare?"

"Dare, you seem pretty innocent."

" Innocent huh? I dare you to kiss Roman."

He arched an eyebrow and looked at Roman whose eyes were huge. I giggled and Dean pecked his cheek. It was so awkward and afterward Dean gave me a dirty look. Now it's Dean turn.

"Okay Seth truth or dare."

"i'm gonna stick with truth."

"You little girl. Okay ummmm do you prefer blondes or brunettes?"

Seth looked at me and said, "Brunettes." Everyone looked over at me and I just looked down. It's now Seth's turn.

"Okay my turn ummm Nick? truth or dare?"


"I dare you to press play on the stereo and you have to dance to whatever song comes on."

Dolph got up and "Fine China" came on by Chris Brown. He grabbed Maddy's hand and they started dancing together. It was so cute. They were so adorable together. When the song was over they sat down and Dolph said, "Ok Randy?"


"I dare you to spend five minutes in the closet with Brooke." He nodded and took my hand and we went into the closet. We walked in and we were just standing in there laughging. He kissed me and we smiled. We pretty much just smiled the rest of the time staring into eachother's eyes. There was a knock on the door signaling we could come out. Everyone but Seth was smiling when we came out. It was weird

"Okay now Maddy truth or dare?"

"mmmmm Dare."

"I dare you go show us what you're hiding in your closet." She shot me a look and Randy started giggling. She ran upstairs and came down with a Dolph Ziggler poster. Everyone laughed but me and Randy because she knew what he meant but didn't come out with it.

"Ok my turn truth or dare Roman?"


"I dare you to kiss Brooke on the lips." I shot Randy a look and he nodded. Roman came over and he pecked my lips. It was nothing really. It was now Roman's turn.

"Okay Seth truth or dare"


"I dare you to grab one of Brooke's nail polishes and paint your nails."

I took him upstairs to go show him my collection. As we got into my room he said,"You know Brooke I see the looks people are giving us after what happened and if I get a dare and it doesn't rub well with you I won't do it."

"Same here and I'm really sorry about what happened."

"Well you can't have every pretty girl that walks by." I smiled and he picked out a black polish. We walked downstairs and he showed everyone the polish on his fingers and they laughed. "Okay Dean truth or dare?"


"How many people do you wanna bang in this room."

"3 just kidding umm I'm gonna go with none because I know I'd get my ass kicked if I said the real number." It was Dean's turn now.

"Okay ummm Brooke truth or dare"

"Dare" I said.

"I dare you to kiss Madison on the lips." He said with a grin.All the guys had a grin and I said ,"Wouldn't be the first time." Me and Maddy kissed and all their eyes bugged out. It was my turn and I had to pick my next victim.

"Randy truth or Dare?"

"Truth because I am not kissing any of these dudes."

I chuckled and said, "Okay ummm who is the prettiest girl alive?"

"Ummmm Betty White just kidding you." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Okay ummm Nick truth or dare?"


"Since you got my back I'm gonna have yours, I dare you to spend five minutes in the closet with Maddy."

They shot straight up and were in there. After five minutes I went over and knocked on the door. Dolph walked out with lipstick on his lips and Maddy's hair was a mess.

"Thanks Randy, ok now Dean truth or dare?"


"How many people in this room have you kissed?"

"Ummm after this one?" Everyone laughed and eyed the embarrassed Roman. I got up and said," How about we play I have never." Everyone seemed to like the idea so I got out some beers and we all sat on the couch.

"I'll start," I said. "ummmm I have never lied about what I was hiding in my closet." Maddy drank and frowned. "It was just a Cody Rhodes cardboard cutout." Nick shot her a look and Randy and I chuckled. Maddy then said hers," I have never held a secret from my best friends." Everyone drank and Maddy frowned at me. It was Dean's turn. "ummm I have never gotten pantsed in the lockeroom." Me, Randy, and Roman drank. Everyone shot me a look to explain. "Okay so I was walking into the lockeroom and Layla thought it would be funny to pants me in front of Wade Barrett so she did and it was so awkward." Everyone laughed and it was now Romans turn.

"I have never had a relationship with someone I didn't care for. Seth drank and Randy shot him a look. I whispered to him that he wasn't drinking to me. It was Seth's turn. "I have never kissed a guy." Roman, Dean, Maddy and I all drank. It was Nick's turn. "I have never done a strip tease." I groaned and drank and so did Maddy. It was now Randy's turn. "Ummm I have never had an ugly girlfriend."

I smiled at him and all the guys drank.

It was my turn" And I have never had an ugly boyfriend." Randy and Seth smiled. Whoops I forgot about Seth but he sure wasn't ugly. And Seth and I never officially went out. It was Maddy's turn. "Ummm i have never had sex with a girl." All the guys drank and they eyed me to see if I would but I didn't.It was Dean's turn. "I have never been touched by someone I wasn't dating." Me, Randy, Nick, and Seth drank. Randy looked at me after Seth drank and I shook my head no. It was Roman's turn. "I have never fallen at the club" Maddy and I drank and everyone chuckled. It's Seth's turn. "I have never gotten drunk and said something I didn't mean at the club." Maddy, Roman, and Nick drank. Randy glared at me I just looked down pretending to ignore it. Nicks turn. "Ummm I have never given up on a girl I had feelings for." Only Dean drank. Seth and I just stared at each other and Randy was staring at him too. Randy's Turn. "Ummmm I have never sent a naughty picture of myself." Seth, Maddy, Dolph, and I drank. Randy looked at me and grinned.

Its my turn again. "I have never been cliff jumping" All the guys drank except Randy. Maddy's turn. "I have never been in a love triangle." I frowned and me, Randy, and Seth drank eyeing eachother. "I think that's enough of this game for today," I said.

"Good call, it's getting late." said Seth.

"Okay you three I'll take you guys to your rooms." I took them to there rooms then I went to bed and cuddled with Randy. He fell asleep and I quickly followed.

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