Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Scott's P.O.V

" What the hell just happen-" I don't even finish my sentence as Stiles starts doubling over in laughter. I can't help but to join in, I was not expecting to see my sister making out with a shirtless vampire.

" That's hilarious but so disturbing" Stiles says in between laughter. I was just about to respond when the door to our cabin swings open.

" What are you two laughing about?" Damon eyes us both suspiciously.

" Do you really want to know?"

" Would I be asking if I didn't?" he snaps. Its not going to be my fault when he's scarred for life.

" We are going to need to shut the door for this" Stiles and I walk inside the cabin, and shut the door behind us. Damon plops himself on his twin mattress, eagerly waiting for us to explain what we just witnessed. He really doesn't want to know.

" Well....." I say slowly, I really don't know where to start. Maybe the part where Stefan ripped Lily's shirt off like a hungry savage, or how about when we almost had Sefan- Lily babies running around.

" Are you capable of speaking?" Damon comments annoyed and I whip my head around.

" Do you want to know or not?" he nods head, " Well then let me think about where to start. It's complicated"

" What's so complicated about Stefan and Lily getting frisky in the woods" As soon as the words leave Stiles' mouth Damon's eyes grow wide.

" They didn't..."

" They did" I confirm. The expression on Damon's face is hard to read, hopefully he's just as disturbed as I am. The cabin door slowly creeps open, and I have a feeling I know who it is. Stefan looks up at all of us, not knowing what to say. Quite frankly I don't know what he can say, I caught him getting dirty in the woods with my sister.

" So Stefan" Damon gives his infamous half smirk and judging by the features on his face hes going to start some shit.

Stiles P.O.V.

Before Scott and I get the chance to witness yet another Stefan-Damon showdown, we decide to leave the cabin. The last thing we need is to say something smart and get our asses beat.

" I'll bet you one hundred dollars that Damon is pissed at Stefan." Scott raises his eyebrows at me.

" Why would he be pissed at Stefan, it's not like it was his sister that almost got into his nasty ass junk." Scott looks at me with completely no expression. I burst into laughter and soon he joins me too. We both start to laugh so hard we stop walking and fall to the ground.

" Whats so funny?" Scott and I both stop and look up to see Katherine and Elena standing in front of us, arms crossed. I immediately gulp and look over to Scott. It's not that Katherine scares me, she terrifies me. Scott awkwardly stands up and I follow his actions.

" It's nothing really, just dude humor." I look over to Scott and mouth 'what the hell' to him. Dude humor?

" Dude humor? Never heard of it." Katherine says and I roll my eyes at Scott, now I have to fix his shit.

" You know, just funny things you wouldn't find funny. Like perverted things. No, not like really perverted things, I'm not into that. Well I'm into that but-" Scott slaps me in the chest to shut up.

" I'm sure it was funny." Elena says looking at Scott with a dazed look in her eyes. Katherine looks over at me with an expression that reads 'what is she doing', and I shrug my shoulders.

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