Chapter 11

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Stefan's P.O.V

" Dammit Elena stop complaining" Damon snaps. She responds by rolling her eyes.

" I'm sorry Damon, am I being a bitch again? You know I have a habit of that." she angrily crosses her arms.

I whip the car to the side of the road in a matter of seconds and turn my head so I am facing both Damon and Elena.

" Please do me the biggest favor and shut the hell up. Both of you need to stop fighting right now or I will have no problem taking a detour so we arrive back in Mystic Falls next month," both of them stay quiet, " We are 20 minutes away from home, and once we arrive you two can fight all you want I promise. I'll even buy you two a house just to do so privately." I dramatically roll my eyes and pull back onto the road. Thankfully the two remain dead silent for the last 20 minutes.

Finally we arrive at the house, I quickly get out the car to avoid my attention seeking ex girlfriend and bipolar older brother. Walking in I see Enzo digging through our fridge, food all over his face.

" What the hell?" Damon walks in from behind me and analyzes the greedy pig.

" What? I'm hungry" Enzo tries to justify his actions as Damon walks toward him, obviously angry.

" So you use our fridge to stuff your face?" He questions, I roll my eyes and walk away. I'm really not going to deal with any more drama today, whether it be Damon and Elena's or Damon and Enzo's. Elena walks in avoiding everyone's eye contact, great she's in a pissy mood.

" Elena-" I start but she holds up her hand.

" I don't want to hear it Stefan" she snaps," You obviously are on Damon's side". She sarcastically chuckles and walks away. Is she serious right now?

" Elena if you don't recall I yelled at both of you, BOTH of you were being immature. Not just Damon" I stare at her in disbelief. She needs mental help I'm convinced. She whips her head around and continues up the stairs, completely ignoring my comment. I walk into the living room and spot Damon rummaging through our fridge.

" Greedy over here" he gestures to Enzo," ate all of our food".

I shrug, it's his friend. He invited him in, now it's his problem not mine. And besides we are vampires we don't need food.

" I don't know what to tell you Damon, other than the fact that you're being a bit dramatic" he glares at me.

" First you stop me from eating that petite brunette from beacon hills-"

" lily" I corrected.

" Whatever, then you scold me like a dog for telling Elena what she needs to hear and now you're telling me I'm being dramatic?" He shakes his head. I can tell he's not done so I just lean against the counter and wait for him to finish his tantrum.

" You caused a big ass scene just because I was going to eat a random girl and look where that got us? We have wolf men as enemies"

" You shouldn't have gone after her in the first place. That little stunt you pulled wasn't funny" I cross my arms.

" First of all bunny eater, it wasn't a stunt. Secondly if you hadn't of grown feelings for her I would have a very satisfying meal" he smirks, obviously pleased with himself for making me feel uncomfortable.

" But I'm not mad, her brother beat me to it when it comes to kicking your ass" he chuckles, and plops himself down on our couch.

Ok, maybe Scott did kick my ass but that's not the point. The point is that he went out of his way to kill an innocent teenage girl, for no apparent reason other than to get under my skin. He and Elena need professional help. I go outside and lean against my car. Honestly at this point its the only place I can be without constantly fighting with someone.

Discovered (Teen Wolf & Vampire Diaires Fan-fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें