Chapter 10

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Scotts P.O.V.

Dereks loft? I re-read the message, why is she texting me this? Wait, Stiles! I have been too caught up with the leeches that I totally forgot about my currently possessed best friend. I whip myself around and sprint toward my house. If I can just make it to my dirtbike I'll be able to get there in time. I hit the driveway when Lily comes running out of the house.

" Scott, wait.." She has tears in her eyes but I ignore them. I really don't have time for her right now. I reach my dirtbike and hop onto the seat, if I can just hurry up and start the engine I can
avoid an awkward conversation that I'm currently trying to avoid with my sister. I quickly pull out of the driveway and speed down the street toward Derek's loft.

I finally get to the beaten up building and slide the doors, opening them. I look around and literally no-one is in sight. What the hell? I can see dried up blood on the floors indicating that there was a fight. As I'm about to turn and leave I get a call from Allison.

" Scott?" she says.

" Allison no-one is here.." I really need to know where Stiles is.

" I know, I know. He's at my house, Deaton injected him with Kanima venom. Everyone's here except you and Kira". I don't even say goodbye as I hang up the phone.

As I arrive at Allison's I hear multiple sarcastic remarks coming from Stiles' mouth. I walk through the door, and see my possesed best friend tied to a chair.

" Lydia put the tape back on his mouth please!" Allison runs a hand through her hair and glares at Stiles.

" Guy's no, if we cover his mouth with duct tape we won't get the information we need out of him" Sometimes these girls can get very impatient.
" What information do we need? He's been practically insulting us, and has given us nothing" Lydia snaps. Well I'm sorry, I don't have control over a 1,000 year old evil japanese spirit.

" Let me try" I move Lydia and Allison out of the way and stand directly in front of the demon.

" Scotty, I'm so glad to see you!" Stiles puts on a sarcastic grin and I'm really tempted to punch him in the face but sadly he has no super healing abilities.

" I have a plan to make you go away, and if you don't cooperate I'm going to go through with that plan" I've never been good with blackmail but I'm hoping this is enough to scare him into giving us what we want.

" And what exactly do you have that can supposedly make me go away..." The expression on his face indicates that he doesn't believe me. Perfect, the less he knows the better.

" If you don't answer my questions you might just find out"

" Ohhh...Scott, you're really getting good at this intimidation thing. That sounds like something I would say. I'm proud" He plasters the grin on his face again and I'm having trouble controlling my anger.

" But..." He continues," as you can tell, I'm not telling you anything. That would just ruin all the fun now wouldn't it?" he chuckles slightly to himself seeing how annoyed my expression has become.

I run my fingers through my hair, I have never met anyone so sinister in my life. Except maybe Damon. I mentally battle myself over what I'm about to do. If this doesn't work, then Stiles' life will be put in jeopardy and I don't know if I can risk that. But if it does work then we would be freed from this a thousand year old asshole, with egotistical issues.

Just then I reach forward and bite his arm, I hear multiple gasps come from behind me but I don't care. This is what I think is right and it has to be done, or we will just keep going in circles. Stiles or should I say the nogitsune starts screaming, I cover my ears to block out the sound but I can still hear his painful shrieks through my fingers. Suddenly his face turns red, and he starts coughing up dirty bandages. What the hell? Haven't I witnessed enough weird crap today?

The bandages keep coming out as stiles' struggles to breathe. He uses his hands in an attempt to make the process go faster and surprisingly it works. As the last strip of bandage comes out he drops to the floor gasping for breath.

" Stiles!" I run over and help him up. He looks around at all of us and smiles.

" Scott your plan worked" he flashes a huge smile and all of us give a breath of relief.

I'm seriously surprised it actually did work, because we all know most of the time I wing it and don't think through my decisions.

Lydia rushes over and gives him a hug, I would have preferred her to kiss him but a hug will do. Knowing him that hug means the world.

" Stiles you have missed a lot" I say, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. How am I supposed to tell my previously possessed best friend that there is this group of vampires, one of them being a pedophile, that came into town and basically messed shit up.

" Tell me everything" he says finally, I nod my head and we all walk over to Allison's couch.
He sits down, his expression slightly confused as to why we are all so serious.

I look around at everyone hoping they will start off the conversation. Stiles eyes us suspiciously.

" Why are you guys being so hesitant to catch me up. Its not like I've been possessed for a little while, and almost had the possessor become permanent. Seriously guys I need to catch up on all things Beacon Hill gossip right now."

I laugh at his choice of words and begin to tell him everything that occurred over the past 48 hours.

" So vampires." He definitely wasnt as surprised as I assumed he would be after I told him vampires were in fact real.

" Yep vampires." I look around the room to see everyone nervously shifting. "Whats the problem?" I ask.

" Scott who's to say they won't come back? Heck, who's to say they won't come back for Lily specifically." Lydia portrayed worry in her eyes and my heart sank at the idea of Lily being in any more danger regardless of the fact I was furious with her.

" We won't let that happen," I say standing up, " Vampires will never have to be a problem as long as I'm in beacon hills." Allison looks over at me and shakes her head.

" Scott you can't control that, they showed you that they have all the power you do, if not more." she starts to pace around the room. " If you honestly want nothing to do with them the only option is to defeat them altogether." I look at her with a surprised expression.

" Allison going after them is the last thing I want to do." I walk towards her and put my arm on her shoulder stopping her constant pacing. She looks over at me with an extremely annoyed expression in which i quickly take back my hand.

" Scott don't you understand? As long as they're still around we are still in danger. We always have crazy things going on in this town and now we have one more problem to the list." She turns her back to me and looks at everyone else in the room who remains quiet.

" I'm going after those blood sucking leeches. Whether you join me or not I don't care." 

Authors Note:

HEY GUYS. Thanks so much for over 700 reads, and we hope you guys are liking the story so far! We apologize for not writing for a couple months (oops?) but we promise we are now back on track. Expect at least one new chapter every week, but there is also a chance to have more on days we are just in the writing mood. Also get prepared for the main plot of the story soon, its going to get real intense really quick. Anyway hope you guys like this chapter and give this story a vote!

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