Chapter 15

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Stefan's P.O.V.

My eyes flutter open and I try to sit up. My head pounds and I feel almost nauseous, which is unlike a feeling I've felt in a while.

" Stefan is that you?" I hear Bonnie say, and I try to locate where she is but the entire dark lit room I'm in is spinning.

" Yeah its me, what happened?" the last thing I remember is getting off the plane in Beacon hills. My head starts to clear up and I finally can focus on Bonnie who is sitting across from me chained up. Wait what? I look down at my own hands and find thick metal chains wrapped up my forearms and attached to the floor.

" I can't remember anything Stefan, what are we going to go?" I can sense how scared Bonnie is and I'll admit I'm not sure what I can say to reassure her. I have no idea what's going on. I hear rustling to the right of me and I look over to see Damon sitting up.

" What the hell." He looks down at his chains and attempts to get them off of him. He uses all of his strength to pull but they barely budge.

" Stefan would you care to tell me how our super fun trip to get Elena turned into this?" I bite my lip and look at the ground. We all stay quiet for a couple of minutes trying to remember anything that has happened since we got off the plane. Right as I am about to speak up I hear a noise coming from the other side of this thick metal wall.

" Dude did we get Lily back?" I can make the voice out to be Scotts. I look over at Damon who sends me back an annoyed look.

" Considering we are in cell chained up, I don't think so." I think the other guy that I assume is Scotts friend starts to laugh as he says this and Bonnie mouths a 'what the hell' at me.

" I forgot we were dealing with some kids." Damon says and I nod.

" Hey Beacon Hills!" I shout and I hear the other side of the cell wall quiet down.

" Who is it!" I hear Scott yell back. Damon puts his head down and I hear wolf boys friend break into hysterics.

" Do you know where we are?" I shout back, I swear if any of this has to do with them...

" I don't respond to strangers!" Scott laughs and I hear the two of them highfive.

" Listen you dipshits, I don't know where the hell I am and I need some answers right now, before I break down this wall and slap the shit out of you." I look over to see a pissed Katherine. The other side goes quiet and I'm not surprised, Katherine can be a little intimidating when she's not in control of situations.

" Want to know what's funny?" Scott asks clearly amused by our frustration. No one answers so I decide to be the one to break the ice.

" What?"

" The fact that you think we are actually going to cooperate with you. For all we know you guys could have been the ones who got us into this mess" I glance at Damon who is becoming more and more annoyed by the second. He looks up at me and mouths ' I'm going to kill him' and I shake my head at his temper.

" That's funny seen that you guys are the ones acting like 7 year olds" Caroline snaps leaning against the cell wall, I hadn't even realized she was conscious.

" Oh excuse us for actually trying to bring light to the situation unlike your old asses who just sits there asking us questions like we would know" his friend again laughs at his ' old' comment and I sigh in frustration. We are getting no where with them, so we might as well stop trying.

Just then a loud speaker buzzes from above us, I can tell the Beacon Hills group hears it too because they shift uncomfortably in their spots.

" Hello everyone" I don't recognize the voice, as it greets us. What the hell?

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