Chapter 13

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Damon's P.O.V.

" You know it still bothers me that we had absolutely no idea about those werewolves in California." I laugh and lean back into the armchair I'm sitting on.

" Damon i'm sure there's a lot we don't know." Stefan says with no expression. These past couple of days he has been in a mood and honestly I'm getting tired of it. I stand up and throw my glass at him causing my drink to spill all over the front of his shirt. His face is priceless and I just shrug and walk into the kitchen.

" Damon what the hell?" he comes storming in behind me.

" Oh finally some emotion!" I laugh again, and his face turns from shock to irritation.

" I don't even know what you're talking about." he says grabbing a towel off the counter and tries to clean up the mess I made.

" Oh please brother, ever since we got home you have been so obnoxiously boring." I pour myself another glass of scotch and lean against the counter.

" I don't have a clue to what you are talking about." I sigh.

" Is she the one?" I ask. I think we both know about his little moments with that annoying girl I bit in Beacon Hills. His eyes immediately light up and I smile knowing I struck a nerve. Hey an angry Stefan is more entertaining than a emotionless one.

" God you and Elena both are delusional, nothing happened. We were only there for like three days anyway." he rolls his eyes but I can sense his nervousness in his voice.

" Whatever you say Stefan." I leave the room in satisfaction that maybe the normal Stefan is back.

" Elena" I call, as much as I would like to stay and torment my little brother on the small crush he has developed for a girl I think I need to check on Elena to make sure she's still alive. I walk up the stairs and head toward her room, which is opened slightly.

" Elena" I call again, opening the door fully. She is gone. Everything on her desk is knocked over including a olive green diary.

" Stefan Elena's gone!" I yell, and my obnoxious brother is by my side in an instant. His green eyes vigorously scan the messy room, and he runs a hand through his hair.

" Someone took her" he concludes.

" Now Stefan, let's not jump to conclusions-"
He interrupts me.

" Damon I'm serious, someone took her" I haven't seen Stefan this worked up in a long time, maybe someone did come in and take the bossy brunette. But that's highly unlikely, we are vampires we would hear someone come in.

" Damon.." Stefan's voice is quiet as he stares at a piece of paper left on her desk.

" What?" I walk over and snatch the paper off the desk reading it.

' Come to Beacon Hills high school if you want Elena back'

I practically tear the piece of paper to shreds, those little shits took her from right under our noses.

" Stefan the wolf men took her" He rolls his eyes and snorts.

" I know that, we need to leave now to go get her" Is he attempting to go with just us? Because last time I checked we got our asses kicked.

" We need backup" I state, he better not fight me on this because I'll win.

" No we-" I cut him off.

" Can we just reminisce back to when you were getting tossed around by Scott and the twins while I was having trouble holding my own against a guy with very serious anger management issues?" He sighs, and nods his head silently agreeing with me. Now if he would just do that all the time, we would save ourselves a lot of fights.

Scott's P.O.V

I hop off of my dirtbike and walk toward the house, alright Scott prepare to be verbally harassed by your sister. I open the door and step inside suspicially looking around, I wouldn't be surprised if she just popped out of no where asking a billion questions as to why I wasn't talking to her. She knows why, she trusts a blood sucker more than she trusts her own brother, her judgement is obviously impaired.

I set my lacrosse bag by the front door and jog upstairs, hopping two steps at a time. She probably has completely flipped the tables, and found a way to make herself the victim. I open her door to reveal..nothing?

" Lily?" I call, analyzing her empty room? Even with impaired judgement, running off is not like her. I search her room, removing her bed spread, tearing through her closet ( which is stuffed with an endless amount of shoes), and even going through her bathroom. Where the hell is she? Just then I spot a piece of paper resting on her nightstand, how could I have missed that?

I walk over and grab it, attempting to read its small font.

' If you ever want to see lily again, meet at Beacon Hills high school'

There's only one person devious enough to kidnap my sister and blackmail me, and that's Damon.

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