Chapter 12

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Stefan's P.O.V

" How could you have not gone up to check on her?" Caroline snaps, seriously she has been getting on my nerves for the past 45 minutes about why I didn't check on Elena. Quite frankly I don't have to check on her, she's a grown woman who is capable of making her own decisions.

" For the 20th time Caroline, she's not my responsibility. How the hell was I supposed to know she would try to kill herself?" I'm honestly curious to hear blondies comeback.

" You still should have checked to see if she was ok..." Caroline states, crossing her arms. She just won't drop it will she? I mentally prepare myself for more scolding
when I hear a familiar voice call Caroline's name. I groan, seeing Damon walk in a with smug expression on his face.

" Blondie let's give bunny eater a break ok?" Ha-ha Damon you're hilarious.

Caroline rolls her blue eyes, obviously as annoyed at Damon as I am. But I'm also kind of grateful for his presence, at least he got blondie to stop interrogating me. Caroline has no time to say anything more because in one swift motion Damon is over by the door, holding it open.

" Come on" he says, gesturing for Caroline to get out. I have to admit, this is pretty entertaining.

" Are you kidding?"

" Do I look like I'm kidding, get the hell out" the amusement in Damon's voice is gone as he kicks out Elena's blonde best friend.

" Thanks," I laugh a little, " she was really pissing me off." he just nods and hops onto the couch. This isn't surprising, he's not the lovey lovey brother type.

" So I talked to Elena." Damon says looking up at me. I just nod trying to hide the fact that I could care less.

" She was really upset." He says almost as if he is amused at the fact he caused this.

" Where is she now?" I ask and Damon points upstairs. I sigh and drag my feet to the stairs. I suppose I should at least apologize for my yelling that set her over the edge. I walk up the stairs and see her in the first room laying on her back in the middle of the floor, she sits up when I walk in.

" Hey i just wanted to-" I am interrupted before I can finish.

"-Its ok Stefan I don't want to have to make you apologize it's my fault." I awkwardly shift back and forth on my feet. Its definitely not like Elena to own up to something so i decided to go with it.

" Did Caroline leave?" she asks and I nod. She sighs heavily and I take that as my cue to leave. Unfortunately as I make it to the doorway I hear her voice.

" You know Stefan, I saw the way you looked at Lily." my entire body freezes and I turn back around to see her wiggling her eyebrows at me.

" It was the same way you used to look at me." she smirks dramatically and I feel the heat rush to my face. What is wrong with me?

" I just helped her out." I say trying to keep my voice level.

" Yeah and you protected her, it was adorable." she rolls her eyes and laughs. I clench my teeth and quickly turn out of the room, no way was I talking about this with her.

Lily's P.O.V

" Scott!" I say, attempting to get him to look at me. Ever since the whole Stefan incident went down he's been completely ignoring me.

" You're being irrational" I shut the refrigerator forcing him to pay attention to something other than food.

" I'm being irrational?", he rolls his eyes," Last time I checked I wasn't the one drinking blood from a vampire"

He smirks clearly proud that he won this little predicament and overpowers me in opening the refrigerator. I don't even know why he's freaking out, sure I drank a vampires blood. He would have also, if he was the one who was practically mauled by a hungry savage known as Damon.

" By the way Lily," Scott's face is stuffed in the fridge making it hard to hear him," I notice the little thing going on between you and Stefan". My heart stops as I frantically try to come up with an excuse.

" W-what thing?" I mentally curse myself for stuttering, there you go Lily give him another excuse to think that you're lying.

" You can't try to play it off like its nothing," he says shrugging, " Anyway I need to get to lacrosse. Remember if there is a strange man at our door, do not invite him in" I nod my head and follow him to the front door, shutting it. There is nothing going on between me and Stefan, he merely helped me when his brother attacked me. It was nothing but just a friendly gesture.

Scott's P.O.V

" Stiles what the hell was that?" I say lifting him up off the ground, he ponders the question before shaking his head.

" Scott we both know that lacrosse isn't really my strongest suit"

" I know that but you're being extra horrible today" he gives a sarcastic laugh and thanks me.

" While you were off fighting vampires, I was being possessed by an 1,000 year old Japanese spirit. Not to mention I'm working my ass off trying to figure out this dead pool ordeal" who knew Stiles had so much on his plate. He attempts to go on with his ' i want to feel appreciated' story when a ball comes flying out of no where and hits him in the face. I wouldn't be surprised if that ball knocked Stiles out, that shit was flying at like 90 miles an hour.

" Liam!" The coach blows his whistle at the freshman," What the hell was that?"

" He wasn't paying attention" Liam gives a devious smirk and I try to hold in my laughter. Stiles and Liam are the most entertaining people I know, especially when they fight.

" I know he's your beta" Stiles says getting off the ground and dusting himself off," but one of these days I'm going to kick his ass". Okay Stiles, you keep telling yourself that. I pick up a lacrosse ball next to my feet with my stick and throw it at liam who quickly turns and catches it.

" Nice one McCall." I shake my head and head over to coach who begins to give us drill instructions.

Later when practice ends I head over to the bench and grab my water bottle. Once Stiles joins me we head towards the locker rooms.

" So Allison and Isaac left then huh?" Stiles asks me, and I roll my eyes out of annoyance just thinking about them.

" Yeah they're gone, hopefully for good." I mutter the last part and stiles silently chuckles. When we arrive in the locker room Stiles and I begin to take all of our gear off. In the distance I pick up two voices saying my name. Its sounds like two older men, which only makes this situation worse. I shush Stiles and try to listen harder. Only this time I don't hear anything. I decide against my suspicions and continue to get dressed.

Authors note:

900 reads! Lol I know that may not seem like a lot to you guys but to us it's exciting! Thank you so much and we hope you continue to read and vote for our story! #stily4life

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