Chap 23 - New Powers and A Victory

Start from the beginning

Connor and Travis turned to each other, grinning evilly. I shook my head, and everyone got up to go about their business.

As I walked away, I heard Bianca giggle happily. I turned to see her cuddling her new lion.

"What'd you name him?" 

She grinned, "Patch."

"Cute." I commented, giving him a scratch behind the ear.


A month flew by quickly, and the Chaos cabin was having lots of fun saying fake plans, and watching Nick panic and scramble to message the Olympians.  

The girls grew more comfortable with our relationship, and I even heard Luke has a thing for one of the army's lieutenants.

Back to now, it was midnight, and the perfect time to leave. I stuck a note to the door, before I summoned a portal to take us to Helix.


I strode to the Chaos cabin, as they hadn't been there for breakfast.

It's about time the Olympians saw my potential, and allowed me to spy on the Chaos cabin. Honestly, it's amazing how dumb they are, they say their plans without realizing I'm right in front of them. By now, I've uncovered most of their plans.

I was ripped from my thoughts as walked straight into the door. I was raising my hand to knock, when a note on the door caught my attention. Reading through it, my eyes widened, and I ran to the big house.

"Chiron! Call a meeting, it's urgent!" Chiron heard the rush in my voice, and had everyone here within five minutes, even the gods. 

"What is the meaning if this meeting?" Zeus boomed.

Chiron pointed to me, and everyone turned. I cleared my throat, "I found this note on the Chaos cabin doors." I held the note in the air.

Athena nodded, "What does it say?"

"Dear useless gods, and pathetic demigods, I have declared war. You have one year to either surrender, or to die. Good luck! You'll need it. Your favorite demi primordial, Perseus."

I looked up to see the everyone's terrified faces. Athena looked to Zeus expectantly, "What are we to do? Chaos isn't the only one we are waging war against, we musn't forget the titans."


Before Zeus could reply, an Ares kid crashed through the doors. "We're under attack!"

That was all it took to get everyone to rush for weapons, and out the door.What they found on the hill made blood turn to ice. There, on the hill, was Kronos, quickly followed by hundreds of monsters.

Athena turned to Zeus, "We need to help them! Without demigods, who will be left to fight for us?"

Zeus' eyes widened at the idea, "Olympians! I revoke the law stating gods may not interfere in mortal affairs!"

The Olympians nodded, and joined their children at the base of the hill. Kronos looked at the opposition, and gave a haughty laugh. 

"Surrender now, and save yourselves the humiliation." He called down to Zeus.

Zeus' grip on his bolt tightened, "We will never surrender to scum like you!"

Kronos' eyes narrowed as one word escaped his mouth, "Charge."

The monsters rushed forward, and the demigods ran to meet them.


Gold dust filled the air and coated the ground, the only remnants of the monster army. Kronos sat in the center of the clearing, the Olympian looming over him, and they were not happy. The demigods lined the edge of the field, watching what was to become of the titan.

"You will pay for this, Olympians! I will return, and when I do-" Kronos found it difficult to finish his sentence, as he no longer had a head. What was left of his body dissolved to black ash, staining the ground.

Cheering erupted through the field, the demigods' relief and happiness exploding at once. 

Zeus raised his hand, and silence fell. "Olympians! Let us go to Olympus, there is much to discuss!" He announced to the gods.

Murmurs were heard through the field as the Olympians flashed out. 

The effects of this first battle kicked in, and the demigods wandered back to camp. Once the field was empty, a lone figure returned. He gathered the ashes into a small pouch, and pocketed it. He glanced to the camp quickly, before smirking, and vanishing to shadow.


The Olympians filled the thrones, leaving just four empty. An absence they failed to notice was the missing girl, meant to tend the flames of the hearth.

Athena sighed, "I suppose it safe to assume they have left to join Chaos."

Zeus nodded, beginning the meeting, "We must discuss the immediate problem concerning the demigod deficit."

The other gods nodded in agreement. "Who will fight for us if not the demigods?" Ares questioned.

"Exactly, and there aren't enough to call it an army. We must make more, Poseidon and myself included. All in favor of this?" Zeus answered.

Athena looked at her Father strangely, "You forget, we have one year to prepare, and these demigods need time to mature."

Zeus nodded, "We must speed up the aging process. Once they turn ten, we send a satyr to guide them to camp."

Everyone nodded, no objections. "I only pray it is enough. Council dismissed!" Zeus stated, before flashing out, the other Olympians following closely.

Soon, only one god was left, staring disgusted at where Zeus was seated only moments before.

"I must tell Percy." He muttered, before flashing away.

Hey! Sorry about the rushed titans' defeat, but it was in the original, and I wasn't about to just write my own version. I'm really bad at writing wars and such, so I stuck to the original.

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