Tori blinked for a moment to comprehend the last sentence that Trina said. Jade glanced at Tori's back and slowly wrapped her arms around her neck to comfort her girlfriend. Trina's eyes widened in anger as she rose a finger towards Jade.

"Get off𑁋" Trina started but Jade quickly cut in.

"What? I can't touch my girlfriend?" Jade gave a fake smile towards her.

This caused both Vega sisters to completely stand still in utter silence. Tori looked down in slight disappointment towards the ground. It was for her to tell Trina, not Jade. She shrugged out of Jade's grasp and covered her face with her hands.

Trina just scoffed and looked at Jade and then to Tori and back to Jade again.

"Of course, of course," she muttered. "How haven't I known? The two of you together, wow, how haven't I known this from the start?"

"Trina..." Tori murmured from her hands but it came out all groggy so Trina didn't hear what Tori said.

"I don't have time for this." Trina marched towards the table and grabbed her plate of waffles and headed towards the stairs.

"Trina, wait," Tori took her hands off her face and chased Trina towards the stairs. "Just please. Yes, we're together, you know that now. But please do me a favour and not tell anyone yet. Let me tell them."

Trina stared at her younger sister with caring eyes. "Tori, I love you. You're my baby sister and if that's what you want me to do then I'll do it. I just can't hear the rest of it right now. I need time to...process right now."

Tori watched as Trina marched up the remainder of the stairs and disappear into the hallway. Tori then heard the slamming of a door and inhaled a deep breath, sitting down on the steps of the stairs and burying her face in her arms that was on top of her knees.

Jade slowly walked towards Tori and placed herself next to her, however a bit of distance between them. She felt guilty for revealing that they were together instead of Tori; the guilt rushed up her spine like the Flash. She knew it was Tori's job to tell her own sister and what she did was wrong. She was just angry. Could Tori forgive her?

She somehow got lost in her mind, thinking about how the arguement reminded of the one that she had with her father. How she started to say things without thinking about it and not knowing or caring how it affected her father.

Maybe Trina was right about her.Jad

"Tori," Jade whispered softly. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean that. Can you forgive me, please?"

Tori didn't respond, instead she let out the tears that were piling up inside of her onto her arms. She sniffled loudly and continued to cry with herself.

Jade sighed. She scooted a bit closer towards Tori and attemped to wrap her arms around her but Tori flinched from the touch, causing Jade to resist and bring her arm back to her side. Jade tried to find a glimpse of Tori's face but she couldn't.

She told herself it was all her fault.

"Do you still love me?" Jade quietly asked.

The sentence caused Tori to jerk her head up towards the raven-haired girl. Her eyes were red and tears continued to pour out. Tori grabbed a part of her shirt and wiped them away.

"How can you say that?" Tori asked. "Of course I still love you!"

"But, but𑁋" Jade wanted to protest but Tori interrupted.

"Jade," Tori said, her voice hoarse which caused Jade to shut up. "I could never stop loving you."

Jade somehow managed to smile through her tears. She still took the blame but it slowly left her as Tori wrapped her in another, once again, caring, soothing, and loving hug. The two girls leaned into each other and let out all the tears out of their eyes.

They sat there until it was time to go to school.


Jade and Tori talked a little less frequent during the car ride to school. The hands were in one another with Tori's head on her girlfriend's shoulder. She was relieved that Trina finally knew and that was one person off the list of many other people that should know, including all of her friends.

Tori did trust her friends, but now that the Robbie and his brain decided to bring back Robarazzi, the girls knew that they couldn't tell their friends or it would spread like wildfire.

The girls were a less cheery during their first few classes and other people noticed but decided not to bring anything up, however they were surprised that the two of them weren't arguing like they always do. Beck didn't talk to Jade at all during their Scriptwriting class and she continuously asked herself if she could make it through the day.

When Tori entered into Sikowitz class, it was almost completely silent. The kids all turned around𑁋including her friends𑁋and watched her as she made her way towards her chair and sat down. They did the same with Jade, though she gave them her daily threatening face which caused all of them to face back forwards. Jade placed herself behind Tori again, though leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms, wanting the day to be over to be able to spend time with her girlfriend.

Tori could hear the whispers of Beck and Andre near her.

Once class began, Sikowitz bursted and hopped onto the stage.

"Hello, children!" he greeted but of course the class responded with the usual groans.

He caught sight of Tori and Jade in the room and stepped off the stage and stood in front of them like a general.

"Ah, Tori and Jade, I didn't expect you two to show up today, glad to have you girls," Sikowitz stated sarcastically. He rose an eyebrow and waited for a response but the two of them didn't respond. "Do the both of you care to explain your absence of the ONE request that I wanted both of you to fufill? An easy request, that it was, and both of you didn't accomplish that."

Tori sat up in her hair. "Listen, Sikowitz. We're both really sorry that we didn't show up to the play. It's just that... it's just that𑁋that—"

"It's just what?" Sikowitz demanded. "Miss Vega, I am afraid that you did not explain your explanation. But I also would like to say that you two are most likely not going to end this semester with an A."

The girls' eyes widened as they stiffened up in their seats.

"You can't do that!" Jade exclaimed angrily.

"Indeed I can, Miss West," Sikowitz' tone was less cheery than it normally was. "And I am afraid I am not going to let both of you perform for our Christmas party here at school this upcoming Christmas Eve."

Tori stood up to protest and Jade followed as well. Jade pushed herself in front of the seat and stood next to Tori, their faces were lighting up with frustration and anger.

"What?" Tori said a bit too harshly. She begged, "Sikowitz, please."

"I'm sorry, Tori, it was an incredibly difficult choice," Sikowitz sighed. He knew it himself that he didn't want to give out this kind of punishment. Jade and Tori were one of the most talented people he knew and he hated to see that he couldn't let them shine. "But it's for the better, you two need to understand that."

"Forget it." Jade murmured. She grabbed Tori's wrist and the both of them dragged themselves out of the classroom.

The remaining students all sat there with shock, including Andre and Beck.

"Well, that wasn't a beautiful sight to see, was it?" Rex said, chuckling to himself but everyone in the class didn't laugh.

Cat was cowering in her seat with Robbie's arms around her. She hated seeing her friends suffer. She loved Tori and Jade like sisters.

"Nope, not at all," Sikowitz shook his head. "Let's start this class, then."

I had been thinking lately at how many chapters this story might have. Right now, it's probably going to end at the lovely number of 30 chapters. I'll see though, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter!

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