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**This chapeter will be mostly about tasha and prince and its very dynamic, I posted pictures of the main charcters...read on***

Tasha's Pov

(Tasha and her outfit to the right)

I cried on the way to my house but i just relized i have most of my stuff at prince's house. "UGHH!" i growled in frustration. I can't belive he lied. I'm not even mad that she's his ex but the fact that he lied about it and defended it when she said it at the party. He could of said no. Why would she even say that? I dont even know and i cant give a shit right now. Im going to grabbing my stuff and go home. I was thinking on how to get to prince house when he's not there. Usually someone is there. I think i can just ask Veronica, Lexi or Savannah to do it. I texted Lexi and asked her where she's at.

T- hey where you at?

L-Im with roc at prince house waiting for him

T-can you get my clothes from there and put them in the car or something and when you leave to bring it back to me ?

L- wait T why?

T- i'll explain later its too much

L- alright hun

T- thanks girl.


I'm happy i have a friend like lexi. Now i have to find out what im going to do for the next 5 hours. me and prince were going to go to the club but i guess i will go with the girls. I decided to hit the mall and look for some more club tight dresses. I was at Body shop and looking through the racks. I was looking at this red strapless tight dress. "ma, that would look fine on you" I turned around an say a light skinned boy. He was soo fine. He had hazel eyes and that was a major turn on. "you think so?" i responded. "yeah i do, what's your name" "Natasha but you can call me tasha" "hi natasha, im trey" "Nice to meet you trey" "So, whats the occasion for the dress?" "Well i was gunna hit the club tonight and i needed a new dress to look real good in" "I think you found it" I couldnt stop looking up and down at trey i mean damn. He dressed soo good. He was wearing a white v-neck and black rosmary. He had light jeans on (saggin) and the new J's. He wore a silver studs and a Knicks snapback. He kinda looked better than me. I was also wearing a white shirt but i had a leather jacket on. Then i wore ripped dark blue skinneys and black supra's. My hair was in a high nice bun and i wore silver heart earrings. My lip gloss was on point tho. After i kept drolling over him i decided since i already know prince is going to the club i should bring a friend. "Do you want to come with me?" "to the club? Sure" "cool i'll give you my number and give you the info and stuff ,okay?" "Cool, i can't wait" he grinned i was bout to walk off untill he grabbed my hand and kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear "thank you for making my day , beatuiful" With that my heart jumped in glee. "Your welcome i whispered back softly and seductivley. Then i walked off and left him speachless.


I reached my house and i walked in as if it was the worse day ever, and it was. As i walked in i saw Lexi grabbing tasha's things and putting them in a bag. "What the hell are you doing?" "Natasha told me to get her stuff, supposbly she dosnt want to see you" " No! NO! stop! leave her stuff please and let her come get it.!" "Prince this is my friend and i dont know what you've done to her but i care alot for her and she's hurting. Please im doing this for everyone's sake" "Lexi i will do anything just dont take her stuff, i love natasha , i would never do anything to hurt her shes practicly my wife in my mind. I cant and i won't lose her!" "ohh, prince" Lexi dropped everything and gave me a hug. "what do i say prince if she says why didnt you get my clothes." "tell her that i said the only way she will get her clothes is if she comes here to get them herself." "okay." I walked up stairs trying to cry everything out before tonight because we were going to a club for an after party. I decided to sleep and cry.

A Challange (mindless behavior story)(Watty awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now