Party over here- ... YOU HAVE WHAT? pt.1/2

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**Okay soo our new girl is Shay - @jaylovetacos143.!! thanks for audtioning anyway. i will give a summary of shay and this will mostly be about savannah and prod! ALSO I WILLL POST PICS OF THINGS AFTER I FINSH THE BOOK. REMBER THIS IS THE END♥***

(few hours before the party)


So, today was party day and all the girls were at my house while the guys were at princes house. We were talking about how everyone was going to be there.

"I invited jamal" savannah said.

"Aww." i said. I was thinking of trey and how i missed him. Jamal nor Trey were at prince's house. I called Trey to see if he wanted to come hang with us before the party. I told the girls he was coming so Savannah decided to invite jamal also.

"Now yall want to invite your bf's while mines at prince's house setting up for the party." Lexi said. Savannah and I just shurgged.

"Yall hoes suck" lexi said as we laughed.

"lets go to the mall" savannah suggested.

"yeah, ill tell the guys. i need to find some heels to go with my outfit anyway." i said

" yall can go ima go over to princes house to chill with my baby" lexi stated. The boys arrived and me and trey went in the car he got me and went to the mall while savannah and jamal were gunna drop off lexi and meet us there later. Once we walked in all the girls were staring at trey like a piece of meat. I was getting kinda aggravated so i just rolled my eyes and walked a little faster than trey. As i was walking i felt trey wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my cheek tenderly. I couldnt help but have a grin on mt face.

"There not what i want. I already have what i want." He whispered in my ear and released me but locked our hands together. As, we were walking I saw these gold pumps that would look amazing with my outfit. I was going to wear a glittery gold bandeu, jean jacket with the sleeves cut, ripped lightly washed skinnys and those precious pumps i was staring at.

"Are those what you want?" Trey pointed to the pumps. I nodded.

"Okay lets get them." he said

"wait we have to check the price......oh no we cant. They're $525. We can look around tho."

"baby do you really want these?"

"Yeah but -" Before i could finsih trey grabbed my size and went to the cashiar area and bought them. Your probably wondering how trey has all this money. Well, his dad is a millionare real estate. His mom died when he was 10 from drugs. Trey is really tough at times but i think i can break his wall. He trys to take care of everyone because he toke care of his mom his whole life and he feels like he let her down.

"Here you go my darling" he handed me the bag and kissed my cheek.

"You know baby, you dont have to take care of everyone." i said kinda soft.

"I know." he looked down and had a stern face. I didnt want him to get upset so I grabbed his hands and held them close to my face. We still haven't said i love you cause i told him i wanted to take it slow but, i can never leave trey. He completes me mentally and physically. "I love you" i mumbeled in his hands. I was kind of scared when I said it. I looked up at him and he was looking in another direction. He didnt hear me. I kissed his hands and before you know i see Savannah and Jamal.

Lexi POV

I sat on Rocs lap while they were talking about god knows what.

"baby im hungrey" i said in a pouty tone.

"Baby there the kitchen" he said with an attitude.

"e__e nevermind" i walked up by the stairs and went to the bathroom and started heading down the stairs untill i heard the boys talking:

prod-"yah i got info bout jamal but i wanted to wait an open with yall.

ray- "aww how sweet. open that shit now nigga"

prod- "whatever.*ripping paper open** okay soo it says ......... Wtf! nigga has HIV"

the rest of the guys-"Ohhhhh!ewww!"

I accidently got caught in the moment and said eww a little too loud.

"baby is that you?" roc called out. Shit shit shit. great lexi. Just perfect.

"um yeah baby" i started heading down the stairs and sat on the couch far away from prod.

"what did you hear?" prod asked.

"n-nothing" i rrsponded quickley.

"dont lie" prod kept saying

"okay everything, but i have to Savaneee." thats the nickname i call her.

"No. im waiting for the right time." We had two hours before the party and i needed to get dressed.

"watever" i said as i walked out the door so roc can take me to Natashas house.

Prod POV

Im highley pissed. Beyond pissed. I cant even.

"Watch lexi guys please. i dont want her spilling the beans just yet." They all nodded. I decided to get readt cause it takes me alot of preperation.


Natasha's Pov

We all were ready and looking good. I had my outfit on. Savannah wore shorts red and black jordans and a nike shirt thats red and black and says 'just do it' but the sides are cut. Then Lexi wore a white crop top that has the infinity sign on it and she wore dark washeed skinny jeans and red pumps to pop out the outfit. We all curled our hair. My hair was black with honey brown streaks, Lexi has black hair with blonde streaks and Savannah has black hair with brown lowlights. I applyed a generous amount of lip gloss before we left. I put in my ear cuff and looked at my self again. Damn i make a sexy lady. We hopped in my buagatti and got on our way.


-------<at party>>

Savannah Pov

The music was loud and the base was soo loud that my chest was pumping to the beat. Everyone was having a good time well i dont think prince was by the way he was staring at Natasha and Trey hella hard. I think Natasha and Trey are perfect. He treats her with respect unlike prince, were not sure what hes cabable of doing. Jamal came up behind me and started rocking us to the beat. I turned around and be planted one big fat kiss on me. He led me to the bedroom and I followed. As yall should know. Im a virgin. I thought prod would take it but i guess jamals the one. We busted into a room and Jamal kissed me hungreliy.


I tried to talk to savannah but the boys kept intturupting. I was twerkin and wineding to the music. I looked in the corner of my pervial view and saw jamal lead savannah upstairs. Oh hell no. I know he aint bouta try to get it in with his infeasted ass. I ran up the stairs and saw a door closed i busted the door open and caught him unzipping her pants.

"Stop!" savannaah was looking at me curiuosly and questionable. I startes getting heated.

"Lexi what the hell whats wrong" she said.

"Well do you wanna tell her jamal or should i let out your secreat?" savannah turned and faces him

"What secreat?" she said getting annoyed.

"I dont know what your talking about,baby shes probably DRUNK" Jamal said with an attitude. Oh hell no!

"Um nigga will this help you rember...... HIV"


A Challange (mindless behavior story)(Watty awards 2013)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz