52 - Ronald "Red" Daniels

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Past Midnight
Early Morning of December 27, 1944
German Airbase, Belgium, Luxembourg

Everythin' had gone dark after fallin' off the tower. I started to believe I was dead, but then my eyes opened and I could hear muffled voices. Pain began to set into my body now that I was regainin' consciousness.

My vision began to clear and as my hearin' started to return to normal, I realized the voices were speakin' German. I slowly lifted up my neck and saw Zussman on his hands and knees a short distance away from me. Behind him were Krauts loadin' up something into a truck. After lettin' out a few coughs, Zussman looked my way.

"This is bad. Jewish POWs don't get off easy," Zussman said as I managed to get on my hands and knees and move towards him slowly.

"Stay calm, it'll be okay," I told him as a Kraut came over and grabbed ahold of him.

Another Kraut approached me and picked me up off the ground next. I held my hands up as he pushed me towards the truck.

As I watched Zussman get loaded into the back of the truck and waited for my turn, an unexpected spray of bullets hit the truck, killing the Krauts that had been standin' around it. The truck began to drive off and I felt a rush of panic as I realized that Zussman had been successfully loaded into the truck.

"Daniels!" Zussman called out.

"Hang on!" I called out with a crack in my voice, reachin' my hand out in front of me.

As I quickly got up from the floor, I noticed Zussman's Saint Michael pendant necklace was in the snow and grabbed it. I looked to my left to see Howard runnin' towards me.

"That was close. You okay?" He asked.

"They captured Zussman," I blurted out.

"I'm sorry about your buddy but we need to hit that last truck now." Howard put his hand on my shoulder.

"No." I put my hand on his shoulder and pushed past him to get to the jeep Pierson had just ridden up to us on.

"No, no, no! You're not going anywhere!" Pierson grabbed me, tryin' to block me from gettin' in the jeep.

"Zussman was captured!" I tried to get out of Pierson's grip.

"Mission comes first!"

"I can't leave him!" I pushed Pierson away from me with all my might, sendin' him tumblin' to the ground.

I ran towards the jeep and jumped in. I quickly shifted the gear stick and sped off after the truck, not even carin' that I had just disobeyed an order and put my hands on my superior; None of that will matter to me until after I save my best friend.

~ ~ ~

Chapter Song: "War" composed by Lucas King

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