Her hand pauses at the corner of his mouth when his thoughts suddenly pierced her head with a loud whisper.

It is her! Iu-ssi sunbae.....she is beautiful!!

The fog builds in strength, her emotions running wild as she hears her name, the other woman's name. His Iu. Everything comes flooding back to her, his words, his actions, his adoration of her; of Iu. The blackness of the fog threatens to suck her into its black void, and the pain returns gaining strength from all her insecurities bred from his words and the pain he'd caused. The shy smiles exchanged between the two, the fleeting looks they shoot each other when one looks away turning the invisible knife in her heart just a little deeper.

The fog clears and the shadows move out from the darkness of the mist taunting her with images of Jungkook, her beloved with another woman; his Iu. The visions become unbearable to watch as feelings of jealousy, insecurity and betrayal floods her mind. Reaching out to chase the fog away her hands flail in all directions in wild frantic motions and the visions disappear for a moment only to return almost immediately.

Memories of her fight with Jungkook flooding back to her; everything comes back. Their fight, the break up, the tears, the heartache and her heart lying in pieces in the parking lot of the cafe. The memories make her scream in a silent wail her arms still moving frantically against the fog running as fast as she possibly can, her mind going crazy.

"No Jungkook! I'm not a stand in girlfriend....

"I'm not..."

Suddenly there is a warm pressure on her hands and the humming returns with her song, only his song can pull her out from the darkness as his singing comes through loud and clear.

For me it was
An especially cold, freezing kind of day
Another year had been passed
As if it had forgotten about me, on the night
You were standing in front of me by accident
It was like a ray of light for me
Nobody would come see
The dark sky of mine
You became a little star
And lighted it up bright
At the end of the winter
I met you who became the spring
Oh miracle, for me, it's such a
Miraculous thing
Ever since you came here
This winters not cold as it used to be anymore
Because I have you
Who is looking at me yeah

The cruel shadow of the images begin to fade and disappear as his voice continues to sing away the sadness in her heart. Their silent conversation and the shy glances are gone, her mind settles down no longer tortured by visions of the two lone figures. She knows there isn't much strength left in her body and she feels herself sinking further into the darkness as sleep claims her yet again as she clutches his hand.

JB is relieved to feel her body relax as Lisa's breathing becomes normal. The only traces of her inner turmoil leaves a wet trail under her lashes as his other hand wipes away tears that fell from behind her closed eyes.

Did she really have to suffer in her dreams as well? Jungkook you are the proverbial idiot! He thinks to himself, grabbing tissues from the side table to further dry her tears that seemed to have stop, the softness of her cheeks are pale and still, as he makes a silent promise to the sleeping girl to never let her cry alone ever again.

It is a few hours after the boys had arrived when Lisa wakes again and she can feel the same presence in the room next to her. A heavyweight is felt beside her thigh and something warm is holding her hand. The room is dark apart from the white glow of the light above her head casting a warm glow onto Lisa and the head of dark fluff laying on her edge of the bed, his head resting beside his hand that was holding hers in a soft grip.

Her eyes move across the darkened room and the large bouquet of Pink Roses sitting inside a fancy vase beside her bed; they were her favourite. Confusion takes over as she wonders where she is, unable to remember how she got there after JB had taken her back to the dorm. The last thing she remembered was closing her eyes to take a short nap on the sofa and now she was in a bed.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now