You nodded and he carried you up in his arms.


You and Kakuzu knew you were dangerously close to your ninth month and wanted to be prepared at all time, so he decided to keep you over at his underground buddy’s house, who happened to know a really good midwife around town. Kakuzu was reading a book sitting on the bed while you were taking a shower. Soon enough he heard you call out to him in a pained scream and he got up quickly to the bathroom seeing you holding onto the tiles trying to keep yourself up. He quickly wrapped a towel around you and helped you to the bed then quickly rushed out to call for the midwife.
You bit your lip trying to hold in the screams, until he got back with the midwife and left but you grabbed his sleeve “NO!! YOU AREN’T GOING ANYWHERE! YOU ARE STAYING HERE WITH ME!!” You yelled, as the midwife prepared her stuff. He frowned “you don’t possibly expect me to be here throughout this all!!”
You frowned and the midwife smiled “Actually it is better if the father is present. It will relieve some of the mother’s pain and stress” 
He sighed and held your hand sitting near you “Fine then” 
The long agonizing hours of pain were over and the sound of the child’s crying were music to your ears.

“Congratulations both of you, it’s a girl” 
Kakuzu relaxed and smiled to himself, even though your nails had dug into his hand causing it to bleed. But if you could bear the pain of birth, then he wouldn’t mind your claws. The midwife offered for Kakuzu to cut the cord then washed the baby, wrapped her up and handed her to you then left you two to embrace the moment. You held the whimpering child in your arms and smiled. She was tanned like her father but got most of your looks. Kakuzu kissed your forehead and held you close “I’m so proud of you”
You smiled “I proud of you too Kakuzu” 
He moved the wrapping cloth gently to see her face and sighed “girls are cute but… now I have be twice as strong” 
You looked at him “Why?” 
“Because boys with be all over her and I have to ward them off, until she is old enough to do it herself… think of all the men I’m gonna beat to a pulp” he said his testosterone levels already rising protectively, seeing the fragile little girl.
You laughed “It is too early for that silly man!...Would you do the honors in naming her?” 
He smiled “I’ve been thinking of a few names for a while now…. but I like the name d/n the best… what do you think?” 
You smiled “That’s so cutee” You looked down at the now calm child “Hello d/n”
The baby yawned making you aw at her cuteness and hug her tight peppering her face with light kisses. Kakuzu couldn’t help but smile brightly. He hasn’t felt such sincere happiness since forever…but what was not to like from this little creature…she was healthy and beautiful and just so perfect. 


(oh boi~)

You got the news that Deidara was going to be away for a mission, as Kisame picked you up from the bathhouse. You didn’t know who to turn to with the information you had just received on the Bijuu and were low key panicking. Kisame noticed and smirked “What is wrong y/n…you keep this up and I might change your name to anxiety chan hehe” (Hime I stole your thing XD)   

You pouted and looked down “Can I ask you something?” 
He smirked “Heh answering a question with a question… Sure go ahead”
“Do you trust Pein sama?...I mean if I were to tell him about something secret…do you think he would lash out on me?” you asked worriedly
He laughed “More than the fact that you are pregnant?” you didn’t answer him, so he sighed “Well let me tell you this anxiety chan, there is nothing and I mean nothing Pein doesn’t know about us. This organization is packed up tight, with zero loopholes. All the members are carefully studied and placed in the right place and mission, with the right partner, in the right room, in the right hour… In short whatever you want to tell him, he is already waiting to hear” He said with a chuckle and you tensed up some more “Can you take me to him?” 
Kisame nodded and headed off with you to where Pein was located. It was one of the hideouts they had dug deep into a mountain side. You entered and told Kisame that you needed to talk to Pein alone.
“Pein sama… Do you know what I am?” You asked nervously, as he was looking over some scrolls. “You are a Kirigakure shinobi, obviously” 
You frowned “Do you know of the experiment?” You asked worriedly and he sighed then placed the scroll down “Silly little girl…I founded the experiment”
You tensed up and stepped back “So you knew?…Is that why you came looking for me for your organization? knew all this time!” 
He nodded “These eyes can see beyond your imagination. Your chakra is different, so it is hard not to know…you are here because you are concerned, I’m guessing” 
You nodded “the child is going-“
“You are nervous for no reason. The child will be fine… I was planning on sealing the beast myself…So hurry back to the base. As soon as that day comes Konan and I will take care of you” 
You didn’t know what to say. It was nice of him but also scary. You bowed and left waiting for Deidara to get back, so you can tell him everything.
Soon enough, that day came and you were taken to a sealed up place away from the hideout and Amegakure. There was a midwife that guided you through the process as Pein took hold of the seal on your body. You screamed in pain trying, as hard as you can to stay awake and not pass out while Konan waited outside with Deidara, who was panicking. 
Everything went alright and the child took its first breath then started to cry. It was a cute baby girl. The midwife washed the child and wrapped her up in a blanket then handed her to you, but as soon as she did the woman’s throat was slit, for confidentiality reasons, and she dropped to the ground gurgling blood, as Pein looked at you blankly “Congratulations y/n”
You were too scared to say anything and just held on to the child tight in fear that he might hurt you both but he didn’t. He turned to leave and the next thing you saw was Deidara running up to you hugging you tight. “Are you okay Y/n?…I’m so happy un…words can’t express what I feel right now yeah” he said peppering your face with kisses
You smiled and looked down at your daughter “She looks too much like you… I’m almost jealous” 
He chuckled and kissed her cheek “Hopefully, she doesn’t get my speech impairment un” 
You beamed looking at the sleeping child “What are we going to name her?” 
Deidara thought then snapped his fingers “Oh got it! how about d/n! yeah? I always seemed to like that name hm” 
“Isn’t that your mother’s name?” you asked curiously
He nodded and you smiled “I like it. Welcome to the world d/n”  

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