#6 How he kisses and hugs you

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#6 How he kisses and hugs you

Guys in this chapter, Thomas (AKA Tommy), Newt, Gally, Minho



Thomas isn't that much of a hugging person, but he is very protective of you. He'll wrap his arms around you really tightly, pull you closer until you can feel his breath and continuely kiss you gentle on the forehead, kind of like gentle pecks?



Newt is basically an oversized teddy bear, which basically means he's always ready to cuddle you. He'll put his arms around your shoulders, then gently wrap them around your waist and trace his fingers up and down your arms. Then he'll kiss you on the cheek a few times, and eventually a few passionate ones on the lips.



Gally doesn't like kissing you in public. He'll give you short, warm hugs a lot of the time he sees you around but will only kiss you when nobody's watching. He's very protective and will nuzzle your neck until he gives you one or two passionate kisses.



Minho has a kissing times planned out. He'll kiss you before you go into the maze on the nose and the lips, in the maze when your scared and after the maze he'll give you one long, meaningful one to show how grateful he is that you survived or didn't get hurt.



Alby isn't that much of a kissing person, but that's okay with you. He'll kiss you on the cheek before you go to bed and give you gentle hugs when you come and see him. He also wants to make sure you're okay all the time and comes checking on you.


Hope you guys liked this it was kind of awkward to write (my friend was peering over my shoulder every few seconds) but yeh, thanks for reading.


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