Chapter One

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I'm terrified. Utterly terrified. I can feel the vibrations of the music. That's all I can feel. I feel myself being pulled out of my thoughts by sarah tapping on my shoulder.

"Are you ready to meet them" Sarah signed.

"Meet who, what are you talking about".

I read Kate's lips as she spoke to sarah and me "Here they come, they're here". I looked at them so confused. I then see four boys walking towards us.

As they get closer I see kate and sarah run to their boyfriends. I also see the two other boys. One has bleach blonde hair and the other one has brown.

"Hello beautiful" the blonde said to me.

"Oh she can't hear you she's deaf" Kate and Sarah informed the blonde boy.

The four boys looked at her not really sure are to take in what they were just told.

They're giving me that look. I never liked that look. It's the ' I'm now going to treat you like a fragile little thing'.

A small smirk then comes to the blonde boy's face. As the boy smiled he thought 'well looks like I better learn how to do sign language'.

Oh god he's smirking. That's probably means something bad. I might die tonight. Smirking means he's probably up to something.

Deciding to push the awkward tension away I decided to sign something. "Hello" I decide to slowly sign but I know they won't understand.

I can see that the blonde boy is trying to understand what I just signed. Good luck pretty boy. Mhm pretty boy kinda fitting I guess.

I see him open his mouth to say something but then Aaron, his friend and girlfriend come over. Why do they have to ruin everything. I only have one thought when I see them.

Ah crap here we go again.


Chapter one done I guess. It's not the best but I mean my stories are hot trash.😂😂

Love you my little croissants


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