41 | Rebekah's Betrayal

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Malia and Kira find themselves in an abandoned building, the walls rusted and crumbling around the surgical room. Lexi lies on a metal table in the center with chains strapping her down; she tugs at them to no avail, her skin still stained by the plantation fire.

Banging her head against the table, she arches her back and screams through her teeth. The chains do not budge.

"Enough," Celeste's voice causes Lexi to growl. She picks up her head to watch Celeste walk in. The smirk on the witch's face makes Lexi glare. "You can't escape, Lexi."

"I'll enjoy ripping your intestines out," Lexi sneers as Celeste circles the table, ending at Lexi's head. "Maybe Elijah should get a shot at you first, you treacherous hag."

"Name-calling?" Celeste arches an eyebrow. "You should be nicer to me. Especially since I want to offer you a deal."

Lexi frowns. "Why would I ever make a deal with you?"

"You'll be spared." Celeste leans over, watching the blonde closely. "You can go live out your life in that California town and never return. You won't have a need. Klaus will be taken care of."

"What have you done to him?" Lexi jerks up, but Celeste does not move. "If you've hurt him—"

"Relax." Celeste waves a hand. "Klaus is having a nice chat with Genevieve." As she walks into Lexi's sight, the blonde shakes her head. "Oh, yes. Genevieve has some very important information for him."

"No." Lexi tugs at the chains. "No, please. Don't do this."

"So, are you ready to make a deal?"

Lexi leans her head back against the metal table, closing her eyes for a moment too long. "What do you propose?"

"Klaus will find out about Marcel and Rebekah's transgressions. Who he hears it from falls on you." Celeste's smirk grows.

"You want me to tell him," Lexi says with a sigh. "You want me to expose my sister and destroy my family."

"It would be in your best interest." Lexi clenches her jaw at the voice. The redheaded Genevieve walks in with a bloody bone knife in her hands. She smiles at the blonde, pausing at the end of the table. "Hey, Lexi. It's been a long time."

"I did not know what she would do," Lexi says quickly, glancing between the witches. "I didn't know."

Genevieve purses her lips. "You gave Rebekah the knife," she says. "You allowed her to befriend me and use me."

"I am not my sister's keeper."

"But Mikael fell on all of you." Genevieve slams her hands on either side of Lexi's legs. "I spent days slowly dying because Rebekah got scared. My friend died slowly because she saw something she shouldn't have. You are responsible, Lexi."

"I know," Lexi looks back at Celeste. "but I will never tell Klaus, no matter what you have to offer me. If he finds out, this city is doomed. It won't just be the Mikaelson's downfall, it will be everyone and everything. Klaus is a storm waiting to be unleashed, and you want me to give him a purpose? Hell no."

The witches exchange a look. "Maybe this will change your mind," Celeste says.

As Lexi frowns, Genevieve thrusts the bone knife that one belonged to Pap Tunde into Lexi's chest. She gasps as pain radiates from her heart and the knife sinks into her skin. Her eyes roll into the back of her head.

When the knife is torn from her body, she arches her back up from the metal table and gasps wildly, trying to take in her surroundings. A strong metal mask had been placed over her head, any sound escaping from her mouth silenced by it. She looks around wildly to find Celeste standing at the closed door with a finger over her lips.

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