21 | Race for the Cure

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Lexi walks the streets of the rural town, her eyes on the empty gazebo in the park. The familiar scent makes a shiver run down her spine as she walks through the organized trees and finds a wooden bench to sit on. As she settles down, she ruffles through her purse for a notebook.

With the whole pack watching her, Derek steps forward. "Lexi?" He calls out, his voice hesitant.

She frowns, her pen pausing above the paper. Shaking her head, Lexi begins to write once more.

"Lexi," Peter says. "Hey! We're right here."

Clenching her jaw, Lexi narrows her eyes as she looks up. She stares right through them.

For a second, her eyes flicker red. Then, she chuckles, closing her notebook and crossing her legs. "Silas, I presume."

The pack turns to see none other than Mikael. He laughs as he sits beside her on the bench with his hands in his pockets. "You're a quick study, aren't you?" He asks.

"Shapeshifter," Lexi hums as she glances down at his body. "What did you expect from this display?"

"I expected a reaction," he replies. "I was going for terrified, but I've obviously failed. Anyone else who would scare you?"

She shakes her head. "No, you've got it right." She looks back out at the people strolling through the park. "Mikael is the only one who could terrify me. Unfortunately, your timing's off. No humanity has its perks."

"My, my." Silas smiles as he looks at her side profile. "No emotions for the legendary protector of werewolves? You know, I tricked your brother into killing twelve hybrids a while back."

"He is very susceptible to influence," she says. "His paranoia makes him vulnerable."

"He refused to tell me where the cure was." Silas leans back against the bench. "Do you have any information for me?"

"You want the cure? Really?" Lexi quirks an eyebrow. "Why would you want to be human again? Being powerful is so much more fun." But her eyes flicker with uncertainty.

He clicks his tongue. "Not even you believe that." He glances back at the park to see a dog growling in their direction; Lexi flashes her blue eyes and the dog begins to whimper, hiding behind its owner. "Help me get the cure."

"Why would I help you?" Lexi scoffs. "We are in this mess because of you, not to mention, I don't particularly like you. So what's in it for me?"

"I'll help get Klaus off your back," Silas says. "No doubt you've heard that he's looking for you. Rebekah too." Lexi grimaces. "They want their sister back, and I don't blame them. But I'll be happy to help you escape what will most certainly include emotions."

Lexi sighs. "I'd prefer if the Other Side stays intact," she says. "But, if it needs to come down, what the hell? Katherine Pierce has the cure. Trying to find her now."

Silas claps his hands with a grin. "Lovely. Let me know when you succeed."

He disappears.

Lexi narrows her eyes at the brunette pacing in the gazebo with a suited man entering the park. "I think I just did," Lexi smirks as the suited man greets the brunette with a soft kiss.

As she saunters up to the gazebo, she hears the man say, "This is an interesting little town you've chosen to settle down in. So, do you have it?"

Elena arches an eyebrow. "Do I have what?"

"The cure."

Elena presses her hand against his chest, her daylight ring shining in the light. "It's in a safe place. Why don't I go and get it, and I'll bring it back?"

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