5 | Coffee Date

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Knocking on the large loft door, Lexi glances over her shoulder; no response. She knocks again; no response.

"You are so annoying," she mutters. "Come on, Derek! You can't ignore me forever!"

She knocks again; the door opens to reveal Peter. She rolls her eyes as he says, "Lovely to see you, Lexi. Would have liked a heads-up."

"Look, are they here?" She pushes past Peter to find both Derek and Cora at the large table in the center of the apartment. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Lexi yells. "I just got a call from Isaac. You want to explain to me why he's at Scott's house?"

"I don't think I need to involve you in anything anymore." Derek straightens his back and crosses his arms.

"Really?" Lexi arches an eyebrow. "Would you like me to throw a glass cup at your head?" She digs into her purse and produces one. "Because I'll gladly—"

"Not my best moment but necessary."

Dropping her raised hand, Lexi clenches her jaw. "You should know better, Derek. Of all people, you should know better."

He narrows his eyes. "You know, Cora and I came by your apartment earlier today." Lexi stiffens, biting down on her lip. "You won't believe what we heard."

"Tell me then," Lexi says, her voice as cold as ice. "What do you think you understand, hmm? You think because you eavesdropped on a conversation you know everything about me—"

Cora shakes her head. "No, but you knew our mom."

Lexi's anger dissipates. Behind her, Peter chokes on air. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Shut it, Peter," Lexi hisses. "Yes, I knew your mom. I knew your sister—why does knowing your mom make that much of a difference?"

Cora steps around the table with her eyes flashing yellow. "You were in South America with me after the fire, Maria."

"Oh, you mean my sister?" Lexi tilts her head. "Maria? Blonde hair. Loves large sun hats. That one?" Coras glances away as her cheeks heat up. "Yeah, she was friends with Laura too, FYI. You two are—" She throws her hands into the air with a grunt of annoyance. "Seriously. I save your asses, and this is what I get?"

"Calm down." Peter grabs her arm before she can wack him in the face.

The annoyance disappears. She glances at him with wide eyes; her lips part as energy surges through her. When he goes to remove his hand, Lexi grabs his forearm, but the energy is gone. "That's not possible," she mutters as she lets go of Peter only to grab him again.

"What are you doing?" Peter asks.

"Who was it?" Lexi steps up to him so they are chest to chest as she stares into her eyes. "You came back from the dead, Peter. Who helped you?"

He smirks. "Lydia was a great backup plan, wasn't she?"

"You don't know," she whispers as she steps back. "You have no idea."

"What are you talking about?" Derek asks with a frown on his face.

Lexi shakes her head. "It doesn't matter." She gulps down her shock as she looks back over at Derek and Cora. "You want to exclude me? Not trust me? Fine. Do whatever the hell you want. Just don't expect me to come saving you, ok? Because Deucalion is after all of us. See if I care."

Her heart skips a beat.

She shifts her weight, knowing they all heard it. "Fine," she grits out. "but to be honest, I won't be happy about saving your lives again."

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