Chapter 16 (Part One)

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(Will's PoV)

    I woke up in a daze. It was difficult to tell I even woke up at all since everything around me was completely black. "What's going on," I mumbled, but something hit the back of my head.

    I gasped but little air came in. Where was I? What happened? I remembered Matteo was the last person I saw. I think we were running. I couldn't run right now. I couldn't move at all. Something seemed to be wrapped around me.

    "He's waking up," a male voice spoke.

    "Get him ready," a different voice replied. This one was deep and gruff.

    I felt someone place something stiff around my neck. When I spoke up, I was struck again.

    "Only speak when spoken to," the first voice ordered.

    My throat was growing dry. What was going on? Who were these men?

    "Name," the gruff voice demanded.

    My name was Will Atteleigh. But I couldn't tell them that. I didn't know who they were and nothing about this interaction indicated they were allies.

    "Bradley Carson," I stammered, referring to the name of Daniel's crush's boyfriend.

    There was a slight pause, just enough to give me a glimmer of hope before the gruff voice ordered them to "check his dog tag."

    My heart sank right into my stomach. My name is Will Atteleigh and I'm so stupid.

    A hand reached underneath my shirt and yanked on my dog tag, causing me to choke. "William Atteleigh," the voice read. My head fell toward a hard surface upon the release of the chain.

    "I don't appreciate lying," the gruff voice said.

    The next thing I knew, a volt of electricity surged through my body. I screamed in pain the entire time, however long that was.

    "What do you know about the American Army's strategic plans?"

    "What?" My voice cracked. "Why would I know that?"

    Another surge of electricity hit me.

    "I don't know anything! I don't know anything!"

    The questions continued, voices and difficulty raising with each one. It was as if he wanted me to answer wrong.

    "Where is your base located?"

    "I don't know. How could I? I don't even know where I am right now."

    More electricity.

    After what felt like an eternity of begging and pleading, the gruff voice scoffed, "I'm done with this one."

    I felt someone grab me. I was too scared to even attempt to squirm away. I heard the rustle of keys as I was forcefully led to a different area. After the sound of creaking metal, they threw me to the ground. I whimpered in pain even after I heard footsteps walking away. I flinched at the touch of another hand.

    "It's okay," a softer voice spoke." I'm just going to untie you."

    I could suddenly move my arms again. The owner of the soft voice took off my blindfold, revealing himself to be a young man with long brown hair.

    My peripheral vision robbed me of this temporary visual oasis and I began to see a cramped jail cell, maybe half the size of the main room back at the base, although there were nearly twice the amount of guys here.

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