Chapter 15 (Part One)

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(Matteo's PoV)

Dear Matteo,

    Everything is going just fine here (other than the fact that I miss you so much). I'm starting to get used to my crutches a little more, but I wish they didn't prevent me from being on swim team. Oh yeah, Pablo is doing great at swimming. His best stroke is backstroke just like his big brother. I wish you could see him. You would be so proud. I can't wait to hear from you again, and like I said, everything is fine, so there's no need to worry about me.



    I set the letter down beside me and sighed.

    "What's up?" Will asked, climbing down from the top bunk.

    "It's Emmy," I explained.

    Will cocked an eyebrow. "Since when is that a bad thing?"

    "It's not," I replied, slightly disheartened. "Like, don't get me wrong, I love hearing from her, but it's just...I got a feeling she's not telling me something."

    "You mean like how you're not telling her lots of things," he pressed.

    "That's different," I retorted.

    Will shrugged. "Maybe. Although she could be withholding any information from you for your own protection. Same motivation."

    I felt sick at the thought, and I think he sensed my nerves.

    "That is if she's actually withholding anything at all," he added quickly.

    I ran my fingers through my bangs. "I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting. It's just her letter seems almost forced."

    It was starting to eat away at me. What could she have possibly needed to hide from me? I already knew about her parents, her mental illness--what bigger secret could she have? We promised to tell each other everything. I bit my lip to ease the guilt of expecting her to follow through with her end of the deal when I wasn't.

    Will sat on the opposite side of my bed. "Matteo, it's probably nothing. Or maybe it's something small like her legs aren't healing as fast as she thought."

    "But why wouldn't she just tell me that?" I questioned.

    "I don't know," Will responded. "Probably cuz she doesn't want you to worry."

    "I just hope she's okay," I could feel my stomach tightening into knots.

    Will put his hand on my knee. "She's fine. After all, she was able to write you a letter. You're probably just worried about her safety because you can't know everything that's going on."

    "I guess." I shrugged.

    Maybe he was right, but it still didn't make me feel any better.

(Landon's PoV)

    Holly went around handing everyone their mail, pausing at Tristan, Gavin, and I.

    "Oh yeah," she said, flipping through a stack of letters. "I've got some for you guys," She pulled out two envelopes and handed one to each of my friends.

    Tristan smirked upon reading the return address, "I can't wait to see Kierra's reply." He attempted to nudge Gavin, but his attempts went unnoticed. From the look of joy on Gavin's face, I could only assume the letter he got was from Trixie.

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