Chapter Sixteen - Behave

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Ha, uh, long time no see? This was so hard to write, I skim read the past few chapters but can't really remember what this was about and I don't really think I had a large plan for it. But alas, enjoy anyway. Sorry again for any plot holes!

Luci's POV

I sat unmoving as Mauhreen told her story, I adopted a sour expression as I was once again reminded of the fact that they had so easily decided to remove memories. I almost scoffed, it was nearly amusing that my life was now revolving around werewolves and people who could take memories.

Maybe this was a bad trip and I would wake up in the psychologists soon. Maybe. I sighed as Mauhreen finished up her story, "Well don't keep us in suspense now, what did you see, what am I?"

She shook her head, "That's not for me to say."
Damien groaned, "Damn Witches, always vague."
She glared at him, her eyes glowing that eery purple, "You don't think I would tell you if I could? There are things," she shook her head, "Don't worry. We'll find out soon."

She doesn't actually know. That much was astoundingly obvious to me, I watched the way her leg shook. She wasn't used to not knowing. I bet that was why she took me in, it was irritating to her that she didn't have the answers for once and she hoped to learn them. I knew that Mauhreen didn't do anything from the goodness of her heart so it must have been a compelling reason to make her adopt.

"Okay, so now what?"
"Now, we wait," She said, looking away dismissively.
"We wait?" I asked drily. She didn't dignify my question with a response.
"How long, exactly, did it take you to think of that plan?"

Her gaze swung to mine, those spooky eyes lighting up aggressively, "Watch your tone, child."
"You rushed me over here with life-endangering urgency to wait?" I gritted my teeth, "I couldn't wait for my impending doom at your house, by any chance?"

She sighed, "When will you learn that the world does not revolve around yo-"
"Mauhreen," her husband placed a gentle hand on her forearm, meant to calm her down. And it did, to some extent. Though those eyes stayed the same fierce iridescent purple.

She turned to me, feigning the essence of calm, "There are other reasons for you being here."
"You want to know what I think? I think you're all crazy," I nodded specifically at Mauhreen, "And you don't actually know what's going on or what to do. So you're pretending you know to save face and messing with my life while doing so. I don't appreciate it," I said bluntly.

"Have a bit of respect Luci, your Mum did a lot for you, bringing you home like that," Cain said gently.
"That doesn't entitle her to meddle in my life to this degree. She could tell me when to go to bed, not what species I am and when I can and cannot be chased by wild wolves. And are you seriously telling me for whatever reason she brought me home there wasn't at least some personal gain in it? She's not a selfless woman, Cain."
Cain stood up to defend his mate.

"It's okay, Cain," She gestured for him to sit down and turned to me sadly, "A large reason I wanted to adopt you was because I experienced each moment of your life with you. An equally large part, yes, was because I was up for the Head Witch of the Northern Coven," she had the decency to look somewhat sheepish, "I was perfect for the role, actually, and more powerful than anybody in our vicinity. But the role only adds to your power and you need to demonstrate ties to the community so that you won't turn dark. For that, it meant finally accepting my Mate and... having children."
I scoffed, "I knew it," and truthfully, I always had. Mauhreen was not a bad person, she was fair and raised me as such but she was not the emotional type and that mostly suited me just fine, but there was an element of selfishness to her pursuit of power that left relatively little space for anybody in her life that would not help pursue that goal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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