Chapter Fourteen - Sorrynotsorry

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"Wait!" He shouted, one arm outstretched as he jogged to catch up. I had snatched the car keys from the table as I had passed, I was determined to storm out of here and to the car. I couldn't drive but I was not beyond sitting in the locked car until they came. Had we not been in the middle of nowhere I would have walked home.

I was livid, distraught and disappointed. I had gotten significantly closer to my adoptive parents than I ever thought I would, to think that they sat and comforted me knowing what attacked me. Looking at me sympathetically as I fretted over the wolve's intelligent, confusing behaviour. The way they sat there and said nothing.

And did they condone it in the first place? I didn't know anymore. What a way to repay somebody who supposedly saved their lives or something. Not that I remembered, and I didn't want to remember. Some shady shit was going on around here and I wanted no part of it. My childhood was supposed to be behind me, this familiar feeling of terror was supposed to be behind me.

I felt myself tremble at the herculean effort it took not to cry. Him and his friends had chased me for miles and miles, toying with me. I bet they laughed about it afterwards, too.

"Wait! Stop, hold up. Let me explain a minute," he begged again.
I swung around and got in his face, at that particular moment the fact he could turn into an enormous wild beast did not concern me, "Stay the fuck away from me. What you did yesterday was not funny," I emphasised by erratic hand gestures.

He started shaking his head to deny it.
"Don't," I silenced him, "There is quite frankly nothing you can say that would excuse your behaviour. You need help," with that I turned around and slowly walked away. I once again found myself without energy.

I was just so disappointed. In who in particular, I didn't know. My parents, the stranger, myself for trusting a parental figure who yet again led me astray.

I almost shrugged, well I was going to remain alone now. Or I would do, when they drove me home and I would immediately find a way to leave. A hostel, a friend, homeless, who cared. A subconscious part of me revolted, peering up and suggesting that maybe I was being a little over the top, melodramatic.

Perhaps, but at the present moment, I was too angry to consider reason. As I stepped outside I was immediately met with violent winds. It had picked up significantly since we had been inside, which wasn't inconsistent with how the weather had been for the past week. It struck at me violently, whipping my hair in various directions. I sighed and began my trek back to the car, realising I would have to go the longer route he took me here because I didn't know the shorter route everybody else came.

Damien's POV
I was stood there awkwardly watching her retreating figure. I swung back around to the group of people sat there, some amused and some disappointed. 
My father shrugged a shoulder, "She's right y'know," like I needed him to tell me that. I scowled in response.

"Since when has having a mate been so difficult? She's being melodramatic," I scoffed.
"You chased a human through the woods for over 10 miles as an unnaturally large wolf after hunting her friends. I think it's fair to say that she's being pretty reasonable by not calling animal control on you," my father said, his expression turning from disappointment to amused.

I glowered at him, not willing to admit that maybe he was right. I spun around and began chasing her down, following her scent. I thought about what he said but I had justification. If I had come to her in human form her headaches would have been so severe, her brain would try desperately to place the recognition, but ultimately the spell would win. And what would the result of that be? Insanity? It wasn't unknown. 

Besides, even in the best-case scenario where the spell was holding strongly and didn't affect her at all, if a random man had approached her in the woods and told her to go home, it would probably have been the last thing she would have done. I needed her here as soon as possible and it was my only choice. It just wasn't an ideal one.

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