Hanako sobbed, her sounds muffled by her sister's chest. "Calm down, please. Embrace it, Hanako. Imagine yourself. Look at yourself, what's your future?"

Again, images flooded in her mind, the same images she saw that day in the bathroom. The dead bodies everywhere, but someone was standing there. He was tall and slender, with a low ponytail. He had his back towards her, but she could picture his clothes tainted with blood. He was the one who killed everyone, but how could she see it on her future?

She needed to know who he was, if he was somehow related to her.

Hanako pulled away from her sister. "Can we go home now?"

Hikari smiled.

* * *

"Today, we will merge both first year classes into one for our first physical training," Hanako heard the sensei speaking and sighed. She had been waiting for physical training for a while now. It was her third day as Izumi's vice president, but all she had done was follow the girls around as they stalked Itachi.

He wasn't an entertaining boy, Hanako noticed. All he did was sit around reading books or old scrolls.

Today, though, was a different story. A physical training meant they would get to spar with each other, and a part of Hanako was wondering if she could fight anyone, especially Itachi. Everyone knew he was the top of his class, as well as Hanako had quickly become top of her class as well.

"Well, with that said, let's meet in the training grounds in twenty minutes. Enjoy recess!"

Hanako was confused as she watched everyone leave the classroom in mayhem. She looked at Takeshi, who was casually picking all his things up. "What did the sensei say?"

Takeshi looked up at her and smirked. "You dozed off again, didn't you?" Hanako stayed quiet, giving him the hint to continue. Takeshi huffed.

"He said we would begin with an evaluated sparring session. Only for the teachers to know what are our strong points, and what we need to develop. It's kind of an ability test."

Hanako smirked in amusement. "We get to fight each other, then?"

Takeshi shrugged. "The matches are random. In case you were wondering if you would get to beat Izumi for forcing you into being her vice," he sighed. "Anyway, we're not allowed to use ninjutsu or genjutsu; just taijutsu and no weapons."

"Huh?" Hanako let out a whine. "Why?!"

"Because we are not meant to harm each other, maybe?" Takeshi raised an eyebrow. "Anyway, the teachers will probably choose the matches. We shouldn't worry about anything."

"Okay everyone, gather around, please!" The teacher called and all first-year students stood in a circle around him. "Today we will have our first physical training. Everyone will fight at least once against anyone. Remember, no ninjutsu allowed, nor genjutsu, nor weapons. The winner will be defined once their opponent hits the ground."

Hanako looked at Takeshi and rolled her eyes. The boy laughed slightly, shaking his head. The teacher noticed and raised an eyebrow. "Anything you would like to share with the rest of the class, Hanako-san?"

Hanako smiled. "Yeah, can I be the first one, sensei."

The teacher was taken aback. All the kids looked at Hanako with sour faces. "Why do you want to be first, you're a girl, we'll kick your ass," said one boy. Hanako didn't look at him, she just continued to stare at the teacher.

"Yeah! You girls have no chance against boys in a fight!"

The teacher sighed. "You'll go first Hanako." He then looked at another girl from the other class. "Himeko, you come—"

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now