We go back to being focused on our writing, and outlining, and I'm able to let all my ideas spill out onto the page of my notebook in a somewhat organized manner. So far my pilot is about a girl whose married and her life falls apart leaving her to go live with her estranged pain in the ass mother. It seems a little too close to home, but my dad said writing is a very personal thing hints all I can think about is my mom holding me as I write. 

After Alyssa's mom calls saying she'll be here in 10 minutes, and Caylee gets a text from her dad while I have no notifications Caylee drops her mechanical pencil and looks at me. "So Daya how's everything with you and your boyfriend?" she asks. 

"Great," I say. This time her words inspire visions of Ziyah and me assembling a bookcase, and I smile. Too bad my thoughts take me into a downward spiral, and the thought about Ziyah I've been trying to push to the back of my head comes back and takes away my smile. 

Alyssa takes the last sip of the Arizona and slits her eyes. "Ooh do I sense a but?" she asks. 

I bite down on my lip and watch the cars zoom by in the street not too far from us. I'm about to push out a lie, but Alyssa and Caylee's pairs of almond eyes make me stop. Why doesn't Harper ever do that? "Ok well it's great, but he's not a virgin." The words still make me shiver, but Caylee and Alyssa are looking at me as if I didn't say anything. 

Alyssa knits her brows. "And?" she says, and the way she's looking at me it's as if she's about to roll her neck all around the world. 

"I am," I mumble. I thought that was pretty obvious. 

Caylee's see through beads shake while I still look at the cars passing by. "Girl you trust him and you think he's amazing right?" she asks. Umm yeah duh.  

"Yes of course." 

"Then why is it a problem? It's just sex," Alyssa adds. 

Another shiver goes through my whole body and I scoot into the triangle we are in so my words are closer to them as they begin to spill out of my mouth. I take in a deep breath, and repeat what Alyssa said in my head. "But you see it's not just sex it's being with someone and being vulnerable, and he had that someone else, and that's weird to think about." 

Caylee and Alyssa exchange looks then look right back at me at the same time. "Spoken like a true virgin," Alyssa says before her and Caylee both burst into laughter. When Alyssa sees that I haven't let out a single giggle and just kept my uncomfortable smile she covers her mouth and Caylee follows her lead. "Sorry Daya, but girl best case scenario he just busted a quick one and bolted, we're in highschool not everything is all romantic comedy and stuff." That's true. 

I look at both of them and might be their fenty highlighst or the beams of the sun, but they now look like they have a significant glow. "Wait you guys have...," I do a little nod saying the end of my sentence for me. 

Caylee's cheeks now become the color of her hair ties and dress while a bit of sweat forms on Alyssa's forehead. Alyssa speaks first. "Sophomore homecoming, Marc Capilo, weird ass night." 

I turn to look at Caylee. "Just three months ago at the powder puff game, best game ever." 

I'm about to lean in some more and confide in them like they're the big sisters I never had, but a black Nissan pulls in front of us and honks. Caylee begins to gather her notebook, and waves at the man in the driver seat. " That's My dad, he broke up with his girlfriend  and is all sad, see you guys next week I'll text ya." We exchange hugs before Caylee jumps into the passenger seat, and as her car drives off Alyssa looks at the driver seat and then gives me a slight nudge in the elbow. 

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