Chapter 23

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Taehyung's POV

We spent five of seven days in Malta, it was quite fun. Going to the beach and drinking exotic drinks and stuff. We has just come back from the beach, when Kookie got a call. 

He walked out of the kitchen for some privacy, while I was making us some snacks, "Hey Tae, do you want to come with me to a family dinner on Friday, my mom came back from her business trip and invited me and a plus one?" he asked, waking bck to the kitchen. "Sure but why are you so nervous?" I asked.

"While, this woud be the perfect oppourtunity to come out to my mom as gay and I don't know how she would react to that." he said nervously. I gave him a sympathetic look and sat him down on the couch. 

We sat in a few minutes of silence before I spoke up, "I have an activity that would bring us closer together." I said and he gestured for me to continue speaking, "I was thinking, now that we are official for about three months now, I should tell you about my past and you could too, if you are comfortable of course." I offered to which he nodded.

I got up and grabbed the snacks and went back to the bed, sitting in between Kookie's legs, with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, drawing littles circles on them. "So um, when I was fourteen, I came out to my parents. They weren't very happy with a faggot of a son and they kicked me out. I was sleeping at Jimin's, that was until I was fifteen, they put me up for adoption, so I lived in an orphanage for two years." I started, tears forming as the memories came flashing back. He gave my waist a reassuring squeeze and I carried on.

" I was then adopted by a family that treated me badly, they only adopted me to work at their family shop, I then decided to run away. I lived in an alleyway for about three days, that was until Mrs Mabel found me. She offered me a job and a good salary, even though I was underage. She helped me find a decent apartment and helped me apply for highschools, when she found out that I was actually a genius." he laughed at the last part. 

"I already knew which university I wanted to go to, so I started saving, but that was way too little. Jimin asked his boss, if I could have a job there, after showing me the ropes and a week trial run, I got it.  So I applied for Seoul University and now we're here." I said. "Im so sorry you had to gotthrough all that, bub." He said, burying his head in my neck.

"My turn" He said, getting ready. "Well I had a perfect family, a charmimg charismatic dad, who worked as a pharmacist and a mom, who was a business woman. When I was seven, my dad cheated on my mom, it was a messy divorce and a torturous custody battle. Eventually, my mom won and I lived with her. She was a very busy woman, trying to provide for me, but she always made time for me. When I was 17 she was promoted to CEO and became even more busy than she already was. Going on business trips all around the world, would be a problem. So she bought me my own apartment and car." he finished, flashing my a heart melting smile.

"I'm sorry about your dad." I said, "Ugh, he is a complete asshole, don't even know what my mother saw in him." he complained, making me giggle. "You were right, I do feel closer to you." He said. "Bitch, I'm always right." I said sassily, flipping my imaginary hair. He laughed, making my heart warm and fuzzy.

Workaholic-TaekookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon