Chap 22 - Stowaways and Battling a Titan

Start from the beginning

Percy grinned, and took advantage of his distraction. He rushed forward, and sliced at the titan's arms and legs. Atlas roared in pain, and spun to face him. He began repeatedly jabbing his spear, forcing Percy to spin and dodge. In one lucky strike, he was knocked backwards, and landed beside the sky.

'I can't fight him, the explosion weakened me.'

Percy glanced up, Draco was battling Atlas in his rider's place, but he wouldn't last much longer. Using Atlas' distraction, Percy turned to Artemis.

"I'm too weak to fight Atlas. Give me the sky, you'll be freed." Before she could protest, Percy pushed her from beneath the sky, pushing its' weight onto himself.

For the first few seconds, Percy's mind went blank, and all he could process was the agony. He struggled to keep the sky from slipping, but the pain was setting into him. With a struggle, he glanced to Artemis, who was weaving between Atlas' moves gracefully. He glanced to Zoë, Bianca, and Nico, who were busy decimating the monsters' army. Annabeth and Nick were busy fighting James, pushing further and further to the cliff.


Something knocked into me, pushing me from beneath the sky. And suddenly, I could breath.

"No! You shall pay for this! Kronos will enjoy killing you!" Atlas yelled angrily.

Artemis' brows furrowed, "We need to inform the council of what has happened here."

I glanced to her, "Maybe you should rest, and maybe call Apollo."

She shook her head, "No, there is no need, I'm fine."

I nodded, and she flashed away in a bright silver light. When I turned, I noticed she had taken Annabeth and Nick with her. 

I shook my head, and ran to where Thalia was bandaging an injured Zoë. "What happened?" I asked.

Thalia looked up, "Atlas got in a lucky shot before Arty pushed him beneath the sky."

I nodded, and signaled the others over. "Do you guys want to head back to the cabin, or watch what happens on Olympus?"

They took a vote, and we opted to go to Olympus. Before leaving, I called to the dragons, "Can you shrink and hide in my bag again? I don't want the Olympians to sense you."

The dragons nodded, and hid in the bag. I nodded, and teleported us to the throne room's ceiling, so we wouldn't be seen. I summoned some couches, and we got comfortable.


Annabeth and Nick finished retelling the quest, and Zeus turned to Artemis.

"What were you hunting?" He asked seriously.

"I don't know what, or where, it is. The titans caught me before I found it." She hastily lied.

Zeus nodded, "I want everyone looking for that creature!"

"Wait, Lord Zeus! I know what it is! I questioned Nereus, he told me it was called the Ophiotaurus." Nick called nervously.

Percy glared at him from above, they weren't supposed to know that.

Zeus turned to Poseidon, "I want all  of your people searching for it. We cannot let it fall into the titans' hands." Poseidon nodded.

"And what of the son of Chaos?" Athena asked curiously.

Zeus turned to Annabeth and Nick, "You two shall keep an eye on him. If they mention anything important, including plans, I want you to report to me. Understood?"

Nick didn't hesitate, and hastily nodded his head. Annabeth only pursed her lips. 

"No, I won't do that."

Percy raised a brow, this will be interesting.

"I consider Percy my friend, and I refuse to do that to him, or any of the Chaos cabin."

Zeus scowled, "You will-"

Annabeth shook her head, "I'm not doing anything to betray the trust of the Chaos cabin."

With those final words, she stormed away from the council.

Zeus shook his head to clear the shock, "Council dismissed."

One by one, the gods flashed away, leaving only us in the room. Nick was teleported to camp by Artemis, so that was covered. 

I teleported the rest of my friends to the cabin, but I had someone I need to talk to.



She spun in surprise,  "Percy? Why are you here?"

I grinned, "I was watching the meeting."

She laughed, "So you know about Nick?"

I nodded, "Listen, about what just happened, I wanted to make you an offer."

"Really? Do tell." She said, raising a brow.

"I wanted to give you the option to leave camp, and join the Chaos cabin."

She grinned excitedly, "Really? You mean it?"

I shrugged, "Yeah. You proved your not secretly on the Olympians' side, so why would I be joking?"

She pulled me into a hug, "Thank you, Percy."

I smiled, and teleported us back to the Chaos cabin to see the others.

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