Arc 3: Phase 2: Face Off Part 2

Start from the beginning

Another one bites the dust, the silver haired man was often on the losing side nowadays. He just can't figured it out the reason why. He just got kicked in the nuts two major times, and even got verbally bashed by two girls. Was there more in store him after he gets out of this empty and quiet room?

In fact he really needed to catch up, there was also a loud explosion and a small tremor that he had felt awhile ago. Could that be Sasuke being triggered once more? If that is true, then looks like the others had finally found him.

These thoughts only gave him more motivation as he slightly got himself up from the ground. His emotions were shifting as he had finally found a new purpose of catching up and doing his own job properly. His mind directed to the supposed events happening right now as he grabbed the door knob.

He smirked." Something interesting must be going on right now." Kabuto commented as he finally opened the door.

He was still slightly bent and limping because of the aches in his body but he already had his confidence beside him. By the time he opened the door, he was suddenly greeted by something unexpected, as soon as he saw the outside premise of the corridors he was then greeted by a certain mysterious sliver haired woman to which he hadn't seen before.

She was donning a white outfit and cloak and a sadistic grin in her face.

Kabuto's whole body froze as he stared in surprised at the young woman." Who are you supposed to be?" He let out a question, although he received no response from her.

The silver haired young woman just gave another grin as she finally responded." Oh, Just another of your nightmares" She said with a gleeful smile and a sarcastic tone of voice.

For a few moments, Kabuto was very much bewildered and confused, before realizing that this young woman was somehow dangerous. His first instinct was to summon his chakra blade but he was unable to do it since it was very much too late.

The last thing he saw was that the young woman had suddenly grabbed his face in whole and blackness took over right after, leaving him into an unknown fate.


It was the one of the biggest explosions that he had encountered in years

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It was the one of the biggest explosions that he had encountered in years. It was probably one of them that could possibly roast him overall. A big sigh of relief came through Showtaro as the duck took all the available time to rest and conserved energy before heading back on track.

The quietness of the whole area immediately returned once again after the recent explosion at the old chamber and also after the blonde rookie had left to assist the rest of the team at the main field. It was at that same time the blonde dropped something on the ground when took off and it was revealed to be that of a certain scroll which left the two baffled.

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