Chapter One: I'm Not Pink

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Pain. Everything he knew was pain as a high-pitched wail engulfed his senses. He was engulfed in blackness, but he felt it all. Empty. Weak. Slowly losing his grasp on everything around him.

"Steven!" A female voice cried. "Steven, wake up! Please..."

Connie. He struggled to open his eyes and focus on his friend. Her words sounded like they were coming from the end of a long tunnel, muffled and echoed.

"My...where's my..." he managed to whisper, grasping at his shirt and feeling the smooth skin underneath. His gem. Fear engulfed him when he realized what this feeling was. He needed it back. He wasn't whole. He couldn't be like this. He couldn't. He needed it.

Connie looked up, Steven's eyes following her gaze. It was there, a tiny pink spec in White's hand. Then a flash of light, a form of Pink Diamond, then Rose Quartz, then...

-End flashback-

It showed itself in a moment no one other than he, Connie and White were witnesses to. Sure, he told the Crystal Gems what happened, but they didn't see what it, what he, was capable of. With one scream, he managed to knock everyone off balance, including White Diamond herself. He blocked all of her attacks without breaking a sweat and incapacitated a room full of gems in a matter of seconds, its expression never once changing.

As much as he'd like to deny it, that pink coldness was a part of him.

If Pearl or Volleyball saw it, if Amethyst, Garnet or Lapis knew, what would they think of him?

Steven could hear their voices now.

"What? You're just like the Diamonds!" Lapis yelled. "You can destroy things just like they did. You can hurt other gems like they did to me. You have to control it, Steven. Don't be like them!"

Or Pearl and Volleyball, making excuses for why Steven was acting like, just like they did when his mother acted out.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it," Pearl would say. "He just hasn't learned how to control it yet."

"No, not at all!" Volleyball would back her up. "It's just like Pink's tantrums. She didn't mean it and tried to fix it, just like Steven is."

Garnet would just look at him with an unreadable expression, no doubt scouring for a future that would help her understand.

Amethyst would make jokes to poorly conceal her unease.

Bismuth and Peridot would be thrilled, no doubt.

"Woah Steven, you're pink!" Yeah, that would be Peridot's' gleeful response.

"A weapon finer than anything I've ever seen," Bismuth would say after seeing his increased strength.

Steven sighed again. He didn't need to be a weapon. He never wanted to be one. He wasn't like that.

His eyes turned to the night sky and he set his face. He knew where he'd find answers. They knew her before anyone else did and wouldn't make excuses for her behavior.

He pulled himself out of bed and grabbed his jacket, which was discarded on the floor. It was time for a family reunion.

He stepped into the cold brisk air, the wind off the ocean chilled is skin, but rejuvenated him. This was his home. If Pink's tantrums put it in danger, then he needed to make peace with her.

He quickly ran over to the console and left a message to his friends, knowing they would notice the warp going off.

Going to Homeworld. I need to find out more about my mother. Be back soon.

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