Getting Ready for a Date

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Sans P.O.V.

I had to make this perfect and stat. My first thought was Grillby's but I didn't think that was fancy enough, even if I thought it had the best food in the underground. The MTT resort was my next thought...but I hated it. I hated the thought of giving any more money to that tin can. But it was fancy...and I loved the music there.

In the end, the MTT resort won. I called and made the reservation but was irritated that it meant the tin can could also show up any minute during the dinner. Mettaton wasn't going to listen in his own hotel seeing as he barely listened anywhere else.

I went to my closet quietly since y/n was sleeping on my mattress on the floor. I tried to pick out my nicest clothes which were just a button-up and some slacks.

I tried to remember if y/n had any nice clothes but I didn't think she did. I'm sure it's hard to find nice clothes that still cover up her scars...

I looked over to the bed where y/n was sleeping. She looked small even on my twin mattress. Come to think of it I hadn't seen her eat much since she's been here...

I don't know much about women's clothing though. Maybe I could call Alphys?

I left the room and took out my phone.

"S-sans? Is everything a-alright?" Alphys asked when she picked up.

"Everything is fine but uh, I wanted to take y/n on a date. I don't think she has any nice clothes though and I don't know anything about women's clothes."

"O-omg! I'll get right on it! Do you m-mind if Mettaton h-helps?"


"I know y-you don't like h-him but please?"

"Fine, but if he tries to get her anything super flashy I'm gonna wring his neck."

"O-okay. Nothing f-flashy."

"Thanks, Al."

"No p-problem. I h-hope this means y-you guys are all i-in for the...?"

"Yes, no more questions."

"Alright, a-alright, byyye."

And the line went dead. I flipped my phone shut and sighed. If Mettaton messes this up for me I'm gonna be pissed.

"Sans?" I heard y/n say from in my room.

I went back into my room and shut the door.

"Hey, sleepy head."

Y/n then got off the bed and came over. I looked at her a bit confused but then she wrapped her arms around me and melted me in a kiss.

Pulling away, she hummed. "I think I'm awake now."

I chuckled. I was pretty sure I was blushing but it's hard for me to tell sometimes.

"Why so blue?" She asked giggling.

"Sorry Sweetheart, but your kiss sends shivers down my bones," I said with a wink.

"Hmm, well what's the plan silly bones?"

"I got a reservation and an outfit in the works for ya. I'm gonna make this the best night of your life."

"You mean until we get married?"

".....what?" I was not expecting that. "M-married?"

"Well if we're gonna do this soul bond thing...I just assumed one day..."

I hadn't thought about it sounded right. One day....not any time soon of course...I wanted her to be my bride.

"Of course Sweetheart, that will be the best day of my life, but tonight shall be wonderful."

She smiled so brightly at this.

"God, you're beautiful."

"S-sans!" She was blushing beyond belief.

"Well it's true Sweetheart, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eye sockets on."

She was a bashful blushing mess in my arms and for some reason that made my words mean even more.

Your P.O.V.

Sans's phone rang and he left the room to talk on the phone. I can't wait to go out, Sans made it seem like it was gonna be amazing! I've never been to a fancy restaurant though...what if I make a mess or do something wrong? I dunno about this...I mean, I'll be with Sans so I should be fine right? What if he thinks I'm weird for not knowing what to do or something...

Sans then came back and he looked at me in concern. "What's wrong Sweetheart? You've got that face when you're thinking too much..."

"Well...I've never been to a fancy restaurant...what if I mess something up?"

Sans chuckled. "You could never Sweetheart, just be yourself, everyone else will just have to deal with it."

"Okay...well what was the phone call about?"

"Alphys and Mettaton should be here shortly to help you get ready, I'm gonna go change and make sure everything else is in order. You just make sure to stay beautiful, okay?"

I felt my face heat up again. "Alright."

Just then I heard the front door burst open.

"We're here darling!~ Where is the beautiful date!?" I heard Mettaton yell from downstairs.

"Oh geez..." I said.

Sans sighed. "If he does anything to make you uncomfortable, just holler, okay? I'll be there."

"I'm sure it'll be fine Sans, just go get dressed."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he teleported away. Only to show Alphys and Mettaton in the doorway. Alphys looked like she was about to squeal and Mettaton had a smirk on his face.

".....this is gonna be bad isn't it?"

"Only if you put up a fight darling.~"

"I'm dead."

*time skip brought by MTT resort*

By the time Alphys and Mettaton were done, I couldn't recognize the girl in the mirror. I was wearing a tight, black, long sleeve dress with red leggings underneath them. I had on knee-high leather boots and a leather jacket. My hair was put up in a simple ponytail and I had on very simple make-up per my request. I had on a necklace with a white, upside-down heart, like a monster soul. I also had on earrings with blue gems.

"Wow...." I said while looking in the mirror.

"You look, fabulous darling!~"

"Y-yeah, Sans is g-gonna fall for you a-all over again!"

"Thanks for the help guys...I guess I should head downstairs huh?"

"You shouldn't keep Sans waiting, he might get jealous darling.~"

So I went downstairs and there he was....god he looked handsome. He had on a white button-down and black slacks but somehow still had his lazy charm. I could tell only by the lack of a tie and the top couple of buttons being undone on his shirt.

Sans P.O.V. the hell did she get ten times as beautiful...and I didn't notice before because she always wore baggy clothing but...she's fucking HOT.

Just give up, I did (Sans x deppresed!reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin