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Alazaé wasn't trying to have her day ruined already. Trying to ignore Renesme, she quickly walked over to the sink and looked at herself.

As Alazaé was applying her Rose Hip oil lip gloss she could feel Renesme giving her the side eye. Even though Zae knew she shouldn't entertain Renesme she was tired of being stared at .

Alazaé: do you want a picture or can i help you with something ?
Renesme: dont take it to the head sweetie, i just find it funny how you're playing with my sloppy seconds
Alazaé: dont get ahead of yourself, im not messing with Lucas
Renesme: but you already knew who i was talking about so you must be doing something
Alazaé: even if i was it'd have nothing to do with you so back off and mind yours please and thank you
Renesme: well I just wanted to let you know Lucas would never stoop so low to being with you
Alazaé: if it makes you feel better then say that over and over again in your head but I'm not about to argue with you. Have a beautiful day

and with that Alazae left the bathroom and made her way to her second period class , she had no time for any negativity.

Alazaè walked into her second period class and plopped down next to Milan

Milan: whats wrong Zaé
Alazaé: Renesme is so annoying, I'm in the bathroom minding my business and she's interrogating me and the relationship I have with Lucas
Milan: does she ever learn to mind her own business
Alazaé: not from what I've seen
Milan: don't worry about her, are you going to the football game tonight it's Lucas's first game
Alazaé: I honestly don't feel like leaving my house but I'd be wrong not to go and support him so yea I'm going
Milan: good you have to be there to cheer on your mans
Alazaé: correction it's best friend
Milan: as your first best friend  I don't like that term
Alazaé: shut up you know I love you
Milan: YoU knOw I loVe yOu

As Milan is imitating the bell rings

Mrs. Green:  quiet down class, we have things to discuss
After School

Alazaé was walking to her car when Lucas jogged up to her.

Lucas: hey fat head
Alazaé: what you want skywalker
Lucas: that's how you greet your best friend
Alazaé: Milan isn't  here
Lucas: ouch stop pretending like you don't claim me
Alazaé: what if I like pretending that i don't claim you
Lucas: well it's gonna have to stop, anyways are you coming to my game tonight
Alazaé: I didn't get an invite
Lucas: you don't need an invite to come to a public football game
Alazaé: well you want me to cheer you on so I needed an invite
Lucas: well you're getting one now, Alazaé Kari Johnson will you come to my football game and be my personal cheerleader
Alazaé: stop don't call me by my government name and sure Lucas White
Lucas: are you going straight home cuz I need a favor
Alazaé: I was gonna get some Chick Fil A since you didn't buy me any like you promised
Lucas: I'll bring you over the weekend I promise, can you bring this bag to my house and bring back my blue bag in my closet
Alazaé: that would require me to go to your house and see your parents
Lucas: my dad won't be home and my mom is nice you'll be fine
Alazaé: you lucky I love you now drop the addy (address)
Lucas: thank you and please be back with it before the game
Alazaé: alright
( Lucas picks alazae up giving her a bear hug )
Alazaé: put me down !!!
Lucas: alright alright, thank you

And with that Lucas runs off to the football field where he would practice some more before tonight's opening game

Alazaé went to her car and put Lucas's address on the GPS. She couldn't follow an address without the GPS even if her life depended on it.

Lucas's house

Alazaé went to her trunk and grabbed Lucas's black bag and started making her way up the porch's steps

Alazaé: what does he have in here! Rocks !?

Alazaé stood in front of Lucas's door and hesitantly  pushed the doorbell. In little to no time a blond lady opened the door

Laura: hello, I'm Laura, how can I help you ? Are you Alaza
Alazaé: hi it's Alazaé , I'm Lucas's friend he um asked me to put this in his room and get his blue bag out of his closet
Laura: yes he texted me that you were coming here, you know he talks about you a lot. I personally thinks he likes you. But I don't want to hold you up. His room is the 4th door upstairs on the right.

Laura then moves out of the way to let Alazaé through, alazaé thanks her and goes up to Lucas's room

She opens his door to see clothes in a pile by his closet, a controller on his bed and his bed wildly made.

Alazaé: of course it's messy it's Lucas we're talking about here

Alazaé went and opened Lucas's closet in the corner was a blue bag with his knee pads and sleeves.

Alazaé grabbed the blue bag and left the room, when she went downstairs Laura was coming from around the corner.

Alazaé: thank you Mrs.White , I have the bag , bye !
Laura: call me Laura it was nice meeting you Alazaé, can you please tell Lucas Me and his father won't be able to make it to his game tonight. But please assure him we'll be the first ones at his next game
Alazaé: sure

Alazaé left the house and got into her car, she had to now quickly drive back to the school to give Lucas his bag, drive back home to shower and get ready and then drive back to the school just in time for Lucas's game.


Hi guys 🥴
Sorry I haven't updated in so long , I've been busy , I didn't know what to write and when I actually do know what to write I'm not in the mood to.

Stay safe during this time, don't panic and practice good hygiene. I'll be home from school for a while due to school closing so maybe I'll update more ! Bye

(Don't be selfish leave toilet paper for others. Toilet paper won't help you survive, stop panicking you never know it might simmer down soon)

Alazaé 《BWWM》Discontinued Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin