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Hello 👋🏽
Back with another chapter and i didn't make y'all wait another month 👸🏽
Ideas are starting to flow through my head let's pray I get the motivation to keep writing and the ideas keep coming. Amen 🙏🏽

Alazaé walked through the hallways with her AirPods in, today she wasn't worried about dressing nice she wore large gray sweatpants, a hoodie and slides with socks.

Although it was only 60 degrees outside she was freezing. She made her way to her locker and put her calculus book in and took out her French 3 book. As she was fixing her locker Lucas came up to her.

Lucas hits a locker next to her causing Alazaé to jump

Lucas: why are you ignoring me zaé what did I do to you. I keep calling and texting you but you don't even reply
Alazaé: maybe I just don't fuck with you anymore
Lucas: but why ! You won't tell me why
Alazaé: just leave it alone

Lucas closes Alazaés locker and grabs her backpack jogging away with it

Alazaé: Lucas I'm not playing with you, give me my bag
Lucas: if you won't explain to me I'll make you chase me
Alazaé: lucasss !

Ignoring alazaes calls Lucas runs over to a corner by the lockers across the hall

Alazaé being cold and not in the mood she just walked up to Lucas and grabbed her bag

Lucas: no zae you're gonna stay right here and explain why you keep avoiding me, what did I do
Alazae: do you really want me to tell you Lucas don't you already know
Lucas: no I don't know that's why I'm asking you
Alazaé: you're dating Renesme that's  why ! you play around with me and cuddle and for just a second I thought we might have something even though it hasn't been that long since I've known you, but no! This whole time you had a girlfriend and you're keeping her a secret, and don't deny it because I heard you guys in the closet. Now excuse me I have to go to class and get my education I came here for.

And with that she went off to her class leaving a speechless Lucas behind. He felt bad because he didn't know Alazae felt any way about him and he'd been messing with her.

The whole school day the only thing Lucas could think of was how to make alazae like him again. He didn't get a chance to let alazae know him and renesme had broken up while him and alazaé weren't talking but he didn't know how to let her give him a chance to talk.

Alazaé clicked a button on her keys locking her car as she opened her house door. Haileigh was trailing right behind her, alazaé walked in and went straight to the kitchen both of her parents were at work at this time.

Haileigh: how come I never hear you talk about Lucas anymore
Alazaé: you must really like him just get at him then
Haileigh: trust me if he has a younger brother my age that looks just like him I'd have to hit a steph curry shot and scoop him up.
Alazaé: you're so lame anyways I'm gonna make nachos, you want some ?
Haileigh: yes ma'm but you still didn't tell me why you and Lucas aren't talking
Alazaé: well remember what you said at dinner about him and Renesme well you were right.
Haileigh: I knew it , so you really do like him. But I heard they knew each other before he moved and had been dating but Them being long distance Renesme just stayed being unloyal and did what she wanted
Alazaé: why do you have so much information your friends are nosy. Either way I'm just gonna lay off him for a while... I think
Haileigh: yea ok I'm gonna go shower

Alazaé 《BWWM》Discontinued Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora