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Alazaé pov:

That is him!!!
Freaking bastard
And to think I actually liked him

Alazaé stormed off to lunch
Lucas and Renesme get out of the closet
Lucas: is it me or did you hear someone say something just now
Renesme: I dont hear anything..stop being paranoid

alazaé and Milan are in the line getting their food
Alazaé buys nachos, a bag of chips, apple sauce and a Sprite,
While Milan gets a chicken salad, a lemonade and fruit salad.

Milan: so it was both of them in the closet
Alazaé: yup and the fact that he kept that hidden from me and he's always flirting with me just annoys me
Milan: I see why he wanted to keep it private so he could play around with other girls but then agian you make it sound like he doesn't even wanna be with her
Alazaé: I don't know but he's supposed to be my boy bestfriend and he should of told me about this especially since he's always playing around with me
Milan: your girl bestfriend is better just saying
Alazaé: and I love you bestfriend
Milan: I think I love you too

Alazaé playfully pushes Milan and they walk over to their table

When they get there they see Lucas, Myles and some other boys on the football team. Alazaé and lucas make eye contact Lucas sends Alazaé a smile but she returns a frown causing Lucas to give her a confused raised eyebrow. But Alazaé ignores him and walks over to the end of the table.

Most of the lunch time Alazaé and Milan sit together and talk but 5 minutes before the end of lunch period Milan leaves Alazaé to go to the bathroom.

Alazaé decides to go on her phone so that she wouldn't look too lonely.

After a few seconds Lucas comes over and sits in front of Alazaé. She immediately tenses up and becomes annoyed.

(y'all gonna think she overreacting but then agian she liked Lucas and Lucas was playing with her feelings knowing he already had a girlfriend..so that's why she's so upset)

Lucas: whats up with you today zaé you seem like your trying to move as far away from me as you can
Alazaé: then take a hint and leave
Lucas: are you having a bad day or what cause I don't know what I did to make you so mad at me
Alazaé : you Know what Lucas it's not that serious if I don't wanna talk to you.. just leave me alone aight

Alazaé grabs her bag and her lunch, she gets up throws her trash away and walks out the cafeteria leaving a confused Lucas all alone at the table.

Later that night:

Alazaé laid in her bed with nothing but a sports bra and underwear on.
Lucas had been blowing up her phone trying to get a hold of her but she was still annoyed . She decided to just shut her phone off and go to sleep

2 Days passed
Alazaé still wasn't talking to Lucas but she sure was talking to jamaine

After watching harriet the spy alazaé got bored and went up the stairs into her room. She flopped onto her bed and decided to use her phone until she was tired.

While scrolling through Instagram a text notification pops up from the top of her screen.

Jamaine🧞‍♂️🤤: hey u up?
Zaé🍬: ye hey
Jamaine🧞‍♂️🤤: wyd (what u doin)
Zaé🍬: nun just bored
Jamaine🧞‍♂️🤤: lemme take u out to a diner and we can share a milkshake or sum..
Zaé 🍬: that's so corny..I'd love to go
Jamaine🧞‍♂️🤤: ight bet send me your address

Alazaé sends him the address

Zaé🍬: when u coming?
Jemaine🧞‍♂️🤤: omw (on my way)🚴🏽‍♂️🚗
Zaé🍬: the emojis are killing me 🤣 but alrigh

Alazaé shut off her phone and she sprang up out of bed to get dressed

I wonder how alazaé and jamaine's little "date" will be. Flop or bop🤷🏽‍♀️

Btw his name is pronounced as jermaine but with no R

The sound the letter j makes,
Maine(like a lions mane)


And alazaé's is

Ah : open your mouth
Luh : lush without a s
Zay : as in zay Hilfiger-juju on that beat

And Haileigh name is just pronounced as Hayley just with unnecessary spelling differences

And Haileigh name is just pronounced as Hayley just with unnecessary spelling differences

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