Chapter 28: Things to do, and Parties... Woo Hoo

Start from the beginning


"How did we go out the opposite exit?" I yelled.

Harry chuckled. "I was looking at DVD rentals with Zayn. We must have just went out the closest door." Zayn added a few short laughs along with Harry. "It is so nippy out." Harry pulled his coat closer.

Then we looked towards the store, and reporters came running. "Just give us some room to put the groceries down." Zayn begged. We pulled Louis out of the car for the questions.

"Is it true that Andie is back home?"

Harry's POV

We all looked at each other and I decided to answer, "Yes she just got home six days ago."

"Is it also true that she is carrying your baby Harry?"

"What? No, she is carrying her ex-boyfriend Brad's baby. It's actually none of ours."

"Interesting, the baby is due soon right?"

"Well actually she is having twins, but that will be the last question we answer about Andie." I smirked.

"Harry Styles, you do realize the Harry Styles and Andie Cordez relationship is all everyone is talking about." The reporter chuckled and walked off replying behind his back, "Thanks so much boys."


We have a strong disliking to most of the snooty reporters that pop up not announced. We love interviews and everything like that, but the reportes that are up your bum all the time just leaves us being knackered.

"Did he really need to ask that?" Liam kept talking.

"I know." Niall pouted.

"It's really none of their business." Louis crossed his arms.

We pulled out of Wickies and drove to Nando's for some lunch. "Ok so if we had to get some drinks, what should we get?"

Niall's POV

"The wet kind?" Harry smiled so cheeky. The boys chuckled a bit.

"Your sarcasm is noted there mate. I was thinking of some beer obviously, but Mountain Dew is very popular and pepsi."

"I agree. Can I bring some monsters?" Harry questioned.

"Nope. I heard on the news the other day that a fourteen year old girl, drank two monsters in an hour. She died later that day. No monsters for you guys."

"But dad!" we all whined to Liam.

"Sorry boys, please try not to drink too much alcohol tonight. We all know what happens." He eyed us.


Zayn's POV

Just what Liam wanted to avoid, drunk off their ass teenagers.

I pushed through the crowd grabbing my first beer of the night. It was only ten at night but I wanted to join my crazy mate Harry. It wasn't so surprising to find him on top of the kitchen island dancing his heart out with a red solo cup in his hand.I blinked a few times at the girls dancing just as funny as Harry. My eyes can't change the image of a drunk Andie dancing to "Scream" by Usher. I laughed at first, but after a few minutes I grabbed her hand pulled her from the island. Sitting her on my bed I gently held both of her wrist. She kept swaying her head to the music, because you could hear the blaring pop song.

She finally opened her eyes and looked right at me, "Zayynnnie! Why d-did you take me down from the island?"

"You were probs going to fall off. How many drinks have you had?"

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