Chapter 21: Sad faces and Brain Teasers

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Niall's POV

I had never witnessed a heart being shocked back to life. It chilled me to the bone. Since it was my girlfriend made it even harder to think about. The doctors rushed around the room and I dodged all of the doctors as I sat in a chair by the corner of the room. I had no idea if she would make it but all I knew was that it wasn't good. I didn't even know how to react when a familiar and life saving beeping over came of the room.

She was back.

"Thank you, I will take over now doctors." the Doctor who looked like top guns sent the rest of the staff out. He looked over to me and another nurse came in.

"Niall right? Hi, huge fan of One Direction. My name is Bri and I am an intern here. Can you sign my shirt?" she giggled. I was still speechless over the whole situation.

"U-Uh yeah sure." I scribbled my signature on the back of her shirt, as I noticed everyone's there. A girl named Gabby also had signed it which must have been the girl with El and the girls I didn't know. I focused my attention on the nurse again.

"Thanks so much!" she squealed and opened the door about to walk out when she remembered the real reason for coming in. "Oh Doctor Nightengale here is her contact info. Do you want me to call her parents?"

"I will." I but in, "If that's ok doctor."

"Sure if you want to, there is a phone at the reception desk."

I couldn't believe her parents didn't know. That must mean even Julia and Kasey's didn't know either! What about Zayn's? I ran down immediately to find Andie. She would know all of the numbers. "Andie, none of the parent known about the four of them. We have to call now." I pulled her out of the waiting chair and towards the reception desk. "We need to make a couple calls." Andie dialed most likely her parents first.

"Mom? It's Andie." I could hear her mom faintly on the other line.

"Why are you calling from the hospital?"

"Well Kasey, Julia, Chelsea, and Zayn got in a car accident." she failed to include how Zayn was the one who crashed into them but I can see why she didn't.

"Are they ok?"

"Well Chelsea and Zayn should be fine. I guess Chelsea blanked out for a few seconds but got her heart shocked back to life. Kasey and Julia have passed........" she paused, tears rolling down her face. I rubbed my thumb on her eyes as she continued.

I could hear a loud sob through the phone before a long pause. "Yeah I know, I cant believe it either." she choked. "I wanted to call you first. We will most likely take a trip to New York for a funeral." Even more tears went down her face.

"Ok we need to plan a funeral date, I will talk to you later ok honey? I love you."

"Yes, I love you too mom. Bye." she hung up. I knew she would cry even more.

"It wasn't even my mom's child and I could barely tell her, let alone Julia and Kasey's actual parents."

"I can call their parents if you want me to."

"No it's gotta be me." she picked the phone up and dialed the next number.

Andie's POV

"Hi Mrs. Falcone i-it's Andie."

"Hi Andie how are you! How is my girl is she good?"

"Unfortunately not I am so sorry," I needed to gather enough air in my lungs to tell her "you see Chelsea, Kasey, Julia, and Zayn got in a car crash a few hours ago. Chelsea was driving, with Julia in the passenger seat and um Zayn and Kasey in the back seat. Kasey and Julia's side got hit by a car going eighty miles per hour as they pulled out of a road." she paused.

5 Guys, One Beautiful Prankster, One Direction.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ