Stay Away Demon, I'd Rather Sin All Over Again.

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Stay Away Demon Butler.

I'd rather sin all over again.


Ronald's eyes glowing in anticipation.

I can't, I've grown up too much to do something like this. As he finally leans out for breath.

I wince slowly pushing him away, he hasn't noticed yet.

No fair.

Giving up to his lips, my arms pull him towards me.

Kissing mind wandering, trying to forget, him. Sebastian. His firery red eyes burnt into my imagination appear.

I furiously narrow my eyebrows, why you demon?

Being picked up and leaving the spot I sat before. Feeling his grip not loosen a bit. Onto different structures and to a old gothic abandoned church. I hear Ronald joyfully state “Bingo."

I hop out his embrace walking around, watching a black cat walk from the corner. It comes towards me purring, rubbing itself on me. I pet the cat that had a silver belled collar. It turns to reveal its cute little tummy, all squishy paws in the air. I rub its stomach, talking to him in my baby voice unaware that Ronald had been listening to me.

I read a note on the collar...“ hive....Phantomhive." Ronald approached us, the cat hisses running away quickly, before scratching me. Carving a letter. What the hell? “ Shit!" I fan my hand. Ronald takes my wrist pulling me up to stand. One at my waist the other in the air. He tightens his hand around my wrist. “Do you believe in love at first sight?"

I listen to him, feeling my sleeve fall to my shoulder. I shake my head. My scarlet blood running down my wrist. I watch him trail his tongue over my trail of blood. “ Why not?..." he kisses the mark. Feeling my face burn. Don't know if it was embarrassing, he's just. Those red eyes burn in my mind all over again. I look to the ground...and to the walls where the stained glass was still intact, multiple spider webs on the ceiling, being blown by the wind.

He smiles walking with me to a statue of virgin Mary. He turns it around...“ Wouldn't wanted her to see this...hehheh." he laughs. I look at the sun gone...already. “ Hopefully no kids decide to sleep in this church tonight." I laugh. “ Pretty sure they might just think its haunted." I add biting my lower lip. Wrapping my arms around his neck. “ Too bad isn't it." He whispers blissfully kissing my lips, and forgetting everything for the while. Candle lights vanishing as I feel a grin.

Forgive me, for I have a church where people most likely came to be purified, for I came here for the opposite.

No regrets.

Ciel's Phantomhive's POV*

“Sebastian!!!" I angrily shout down the halls. Where the hell is this damned butler? The Queen isnt gonna be her own watchdog. I watch as Sebastian walks towards me, bowing. “ Yes My Lord." He smirks. Freaking creep. “Where the hell is Catherine?!" I ask. His face goes blank...

“ Young Master, I suppose she went for a long walk and insisted that no one in the Phantomhive manor to go looking for her." I look at Sebastian smelling Catherine on him. I walk around him, inhaling her scent.

“ Young Master, you're starting to behave like the intended name given by the queen."

“ You've gone to her haven't you....huh?"

“ How can I, if I've been cooking. What's a Phantomhive butler who doesn't live up to his honest word."

I nod looking at her room and back...

“By 12:01 I want her back in this damn manor. I could careless about her needs and wants, it's an order Sebastian."

He bows. “ Yes My Lord."

Who told her she could leave, I wasn't told anything. I could've sworn this was called the Phantomhive manor. If it wasn't it surely would be named anyone else. I don't miss her completely, I won't say if. Only the weak discuss there feeling that don't have any meaning to this world. No one cares how you feel, at the end of the day whoever gets the job done is the one to be crowned honorary.  I look up to Sebastian who's grinning down at me creepily as always.

“I need a bath demon. Just seeing that dirty grin on your face makes me feel unclean." He follows me down the hall, I need to discuss getting Mr. Cadcliffe gone, without murder. Which is Impossible.

After I bathe its around 8:30pm. I feel Sebastian wrap me up in a towel, wrapping his arms around me for several minutes, complete silence. Bringing all my thoughts back. Every person I've saw, small talked, bribed, contacted...killed. His darkness bringing back my sanity and insanity. I stand to have him dress me, his finger tip grazing my mark on my side. A pain hitting me. I place on my ring, while being dressed into an all black suit. Not wanting to put on the lousy eyepatch. Having Sebastian bring me a crépe. First time in a long time that he's actually made a desert that tasted like one.

I decided to go study my French, by myself. Sebastian....I just want him out of my sight. I need some time to think. I'm equally capable of doing anything without him, he's like my walking stick. I hold him and we stand boldly, but without him I can still stand but, people will just see me as a immature unreliable and incompetent child.

On with my studies.

Rendez-vous avec Mr.Cadcliffe un samedi.

Ugh, I only know the basic's...“Sebastian I need your assistance.... NOW!!"

Catherine POV *

The sun is gone out of sight, the moonlight beaming through the stained glass, a red gleam nearby my legs. I see a faint side profile, beads falling from his hair. He grins, looking at his watch. He stretches swiping his sweat away. I exhales standing to hear a meowing again, and some owls hooting. He opens a window feeling a cold breeze enter the area. I hadn't realized we were next to a busy street. Cars passing by, a orphanage down the street.

I face palm myself because a woman had opened the doors and ran out. She saw Ronald....then heard me and ran for dear life...heh...heh. Honestly I was laughing, her face was priceless. I button my shirt up, and stand dusting my pants off. My arms numb, my legs numb, my mind...numb. We hadn't done anything regretful but still, something felt wrong.

As I hear a ripping of paper and a roarimg engine stop. two men crash through the door. One walking casually the other......yep it's them.

It's the reapers. “Oh, Catherine...prepare to die a scarlet death, by the Lady Death." Oh this is my cue to leave...somehow.


Mya's Comments:

Grim Reapers....Oh God.(°-°)

Nothing will go well I guess.

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