Darkness Rises, Sleepless Nights.

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                   All I asked for was a day away from the burden.

             And still I'm wrong for choosing my time away.

Just leave me to die.

The butler's the reason why.


          I place on my sleeping gown after finishing up. Making sure I didnt " miss a spot."  I had felt even more filthy that his eyes had even layed on my bare skin. I laid on my bed, closing my eyes... waiting to hear the door open. My independence was nice while it lasted. Why must I tell a child when I feel like leaving? I'm capable of taking care of myself.

Suddenly I hear a loud knock on the door. " Come in."

A knock again. I scurry and open it to see Mey-Rin. "Uhm, Sorry for waking you. But Milady... Ciel's having a horrible nightmare. He has fell off the bed several time calling your name. Hurry!" fear heard in her voice.  It happened when he was younger before.

As I walk to the room everyone leaves, tears in Finny's eyes. I nod and smile at him reassuring him everything was just fine. The room is so cold, he's trembling quite a lot. "Please, stop it. Catherine help me....Catherine!" Tears streaming down his porcelain face. Hyperventilating, gasping for air. Could be his asthma? No, he's sleeping it's definitely a horrid nightmare. Poor baby. I hold my cousin in a warm embrace. He furrows his eyebrows and sobs. It wasnt until I came in the room that he shedded actual tears. 

Glass beads falling onto my skin. His eyebrows furrowed and thin arms pulling at the back of my gown. He leans his head on my chest and tightens his arms. “Mother." My aunt. After several minutes of my horrible but calming singing his eyebrows become relaxed as he attempts deep inhales. His cute little sleeping face, his breathing no longer irregular. He almost smiles... but he sleeps peacefully again. His long glistening lashes twitching every now and again.  I wipe his tears. " So cute." I tuck him under the covers. As I get up a voice tells me to stay. I look around in the room to see no one, very terrified I decide to stay at his side a while longer. I lay next to him closing my eyes a weird aura entering the room. Feeling it closening, all parts of me being consumed. I squirm akwardly as Sebastian enters the room. " Young M-" He sits on the chair at side of Ciel's bed. He passes me a cup of milk. I sit up and silently taste it. " Honey?" a pleasant aroma.

" Ah, yes. Young Master drinks this almost every night.

Milk and honey to soothe souls in distress. He's asleep so I cant let it go to waste after all. I could mouth feed him, but not without his consent." Demon go back to the kitchen, this is too weird. But it does work. I continue to drink even though it taste weird as hell. My eyes glance over to Sebastian whose eyes gleam a scenic red as usual. " Did you put something special in this?" I close my eyes. I hadn't realized my body was moving. Its almost as if I was a puppet. My butt somehow ended up taking a seat on Sebastian.

Oh dear heavens.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, legs at his sides. I have on a gown for heavens sake. A smirk as usual when he's up to something. His hands at his sides. My hands I have no control over taking off his gloves and having his palms on my cheeks. I have his index finger transgress into my mouth. This is embarrassing. After a couple seconds, Sebastian laughs at me. I ... its not me... Demon!

My palms take his hands and place them on my exposed and cold thighs. I blush harder as I hear my voice moan? I make his cold fingers dance to my inner thigh, motioning my entire body to lean on his. I hear my sharp exhales. Feeling my heart beating out of my trembling chest, positive he could feel it on his. Sebastian, you stop this now! " Sebastian...give me more." What! that's not what I wanted to say. I only have control over feeling sensations, smelling and moving my eyes. He smiles and raises an eyebrow. You creep, you stop this now. One palm now at my spine, great force is exchanged. We're way too loud. It's the fact that my dear cousin is resting feet away. Fingertips undoing his tie, throwing it to the ground. I'm trying to stop myself but I can't, this makes no sense. My lips just millimeters away from his flawless skin. Luckily Ciel starts to toss and turn again. Sebastian places another cup at my lips. He roughly embraces my body, pain entering my body. Full control over my body again. I slap him across his face embarrassed and gravely upset.
"How dare you?" He had done nothing it was all me. 

 I finally get the feeling in my legs able to stand... Getting off the nuisanse. "You touch me so openly. Know your place, butler." Sebastian speaks.

" Catherine... you clearly dont recall me purposely touching you. It was what you wanted to do. Correct?" I pick up his tie and tie it around my neck.

"You dont have your tie it doesnt mean I have it. You see it but it doesnt mean it's there. Just like your human form. Correct?" Sebastian nods amused standing about to retrieve his tie it.  I turn on my heels walking out the room. " Tend to Ciel, I'm getting my rest." 

I tried sounding like a normal person but I don't sleep a regular pattern. I watch as Sebastian just stands looking at Ciel until I left. He's probably monitoring his sleep for now. After several minute of returning to my room laying in my bed staring at the balcony curtains blowing in the wind. I turn startled to hear a door open and close. No one. My focus back to the curtains, I had completely forgot about the howling I would usuallly hear... then the feeling of Sebastian's cold fingertips on my skin. I cross my legs pulling the sheets closer covering my slight smile. It's all in the past it never happened.  

But that sensation long ago, I'd done the same thing.

      The exact everything. 

Is he telling me something?... dont think on it too much. I have the slightest feeling the demon was just counting down the days till I returned to this hell. I missed my cousin, it's all I looked forward to. Why wait to embarrass me? Sebastian you could walk down the busy as streets, women lust over a handsome face like yours, impeccable in their eyes. Sinners ready to die. Getting devoured and begging for forgiveness, already starting to cry?  There's no going back if you choose the path of a demon. 

As I close my eyes I feel a hand on my chest from behind. I turn to a tieless butler. I compulsorily grab his hand.

" Excuse you." he smiles. I angrily sit up. He follows tilting his head in confusion. " Milady, the tie." I had forgotten. He involuntarily undo's it, seeing the buttons to my gowns slip open. In shock I stare at my almost exposed chest, my eyes automatically looking at Sebastian who takes a glance at my chest and back to putting on his tie. 

As I button it up a second time, they come off in my hand. I'm done. Sebastian laughs at my struggle. I fold my arms around my chest. The butler walks towards my wardrobe. Before I get to protest a dress has already fallen to the ground. He examines it.

It's popular in the America's a closer fit shorter style dress. You actually get to show your legs, if you like. Quite disgraceful here. I could see him trying to keep a straight face. His eyebrows move a little, he folds it and places it back, getting a nightgown. As he opens his mouth to speak I protest.

“ Not one word on that dress."

The gown held in front of me. “A change of attire, Catherine." He insists for me to change... while he's still here?!

His company isn't all that bad when I'm fully awake and in control of my movements. My mind wanders, my face burns. Wrong thoughts, no.  I shamelessly begin buttoning down. You better keep your eyes cieled. Butler please, keep your hands in your own possession this time.

________________chapter end.__________________

thank you lovely readers so much for voting. ^×^

much love. much happiness.

I'll try to update soon again. next chapter takes a huge turn of events... //wiggles eyebrows/ /

“ It's all the butler's fault." I lied to the dear Ciel Phantomhive of the Phantomhive Manor.

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