Exhaustion and Exploration.

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Dear Ciel,

It's your cousin, I'm quite sorry for interrupting time you could've used a tad bit more recreationally.

So I've decided to leave for a while. I know I've just returned but it seems I'm being reckless. I surely don't want to be anywhere near that butler of your's, he's something.

Don't bother looking for me.

I'll return when I can.

_______Sincerely, Catherine. //stay cute and safe sweety//

-----(end of letter)-------

I place down the feather. Feeling a sense of bitterness. Am I selfish for leaving my cousin who's secretly been really wanting my attention and time. Placing on a ruffled long sleeved dark green blouse and black pants. Very unladylike many would say, it's quite sad because I still wouldn't wear a long dress with ruffles and layers. I'd rather wear a gown.....a night gown.

I pick up my favorite book and a bag of clothes and some money I had sitting in my nightstand. I don't want money from a child, I'll work for mine. I wave my riddens to Mey Rin who was sweeping the halls. I attempt to dash past the kitchen where Sebastian was baking something, lord knows.

His eyes dart towards my direction causing me to just walk normally.

" Young Master would be worried if you left, you're ill you need rest milady."

Angry stating while starting to stomp out of his sight " I'm growing quite fond of your face, it's my cause of illness. " I smile as Sebastian grins devilishly. " What if young master ordered me to not let you leave the premises." while pulling away out his grip I scoff. " I'm an adult, I can carry the weight of my own life. And Ciel would never order something so protective over me. Or are you scared for me...huh?" he smiles watching me leave. He waves as I walk to whole distance straight out the front gate, into the real world again. Little ol' me walking the streets of London. It takes me a half an hour of speedwalking to get me into the city.

Automatically smiling at the amount of stores and people who were on this busy street today. Passing by the Undertaker's place ignoring the huge skulls that could fall and crush the life outta me. Over a small bridge, stopping to admire the ducks swimming in the river below. I finally make it to the park sitting under a huge tree.

Taking out my journal, writing poems and ideas I have stored in this mind of mine. Skimming through old thoughts and ideas about my time being at the manor years ago. I lean on the tree staring up through the peaks of light beaming through the branches full of leaves.

Hearing a engine stop I look to my side to see a guy with a.... lawnmower?

They have those in the Americas....never seen them over yonder. He ruffles his blonde and black hair, piercing a stare towards me with his green and gold eyes. He walk over to me, tilting his head. " Hey there beautiful." He compliments rather quick. I stare emotionlessly at this young guy. A suit, black glasses and gloves.

" Who are you again?"

He laughs. " Don't act as if you don't know...Ronald, Ronald Knox." I tilt my head thinking.


" You mean Ronald Knockoff....ahh, I remember you." I laugh. He narrow eyes me.

" That's not what you told me when we went in the abandoned apartment." He raises both eyebrows.

" You've become quite the comedian in time." I chuckle. It begins to pour....the raindrops literally soaking me...Ronald takes out an umbrella, placing it over his head. I shiver as the cold raindrops bounce on my shoulders and head. " You reek of demon, a wash off would be great." I stare angrily at him...He finally grabs me keeping me warm and a lot less wet.

He walks with me to a nearby bar. Opening the door. I step in with him at my side. We sit at the counter, waiting for the bartender." Aren't you quite and still too young." I ask. He scoff "Cath, you've must've forgot but you can never be too young to party." he places his hand on my shoulder. The bartender appears...it's a woman.

Who's got wide eyes...."Ronald?!"

"Ver?!" He questions back. She shakes her head. "Jamie."...He nods. Has he been with all the girls in town....yes, most likely. His young charm. He orders for me...I shake my head, he insist. I watch as others pass by eyeing me. Might just be my clothes.

I take a sip of the drink, a face of disgust. This is liquor...and its horrible. " Come on, loosen up a little." I sit jokingly and watch him drink it easily. My eyes blindingly stare in his, he places the money down. Taking my hand, going up stares onto the roof where you could see the sun setting and a lot of drunk party people down below dancing and talking. He pushes my body on the edge. My back only supported by the oxygen surrounding. His hands cupped at my spine. "Ronald, last time I was reckless and immature. I don't have time for your games anymore." He kisses my neck whispering.

" Games?...Catherine, I was never playing. Yeah I'm young...but it's been two years. It just means your now a better party person. You're the one with two more years of experience of being wild." He tilts me back, having me wrap my arms around his neck. He chuckles. Kissing my neck again. "What do you want, huh?" I ask laughing. He grins..

" Nothing...yet."

Same ol' Ronald Knox, he even gotten more hilarious. He's always been a joker.

Ciel....and your demon butler...Don't come looking for me yet.

The fun just started.


Author's Comment: Next Chapter Soon.

Thanks for your support lovelies. I really am happy that you are a still anticipating further chapters. ( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆ Puts a smile on my face.

(ノ'∀`*) arigatou gosaimasu. //hugs//

bye bye~

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