Chapter 12

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oO The Black Sea Oo

"I told you I would do whatever it takes." Alrik snarled, his giant-like body poised over Elsa's own, his large hand pulling on the chain forcing her arms over her head and out of his way. Anna couldn't think to breathe, her eyes wide as she pulled harshly against her chains, her skin chaffing and bleeding as she called for him to stop, begged him, pleaded him.

"Elsa! No!" Anna pulled harder on the chains, her eyes never leaving her sister's face as it twisted in agony, her own mirroring her pain, "Elsa! Look at me! Okay? Don't look at him...Look at me!"


The distinct tearing of fabric that reverberated throughout her entire being was nothing compared to the sound of Elsa's voice as she called out, so clear, so real.

'Anna! No! Ah-!'

Anna woke with a heavy jolt, her heart somewhere in her throat. Light flooded into her eyes, blinding her temporarily. When her sight returned she found herself in a whole new nightmare.

"No! Elsa!"

"Don't hurt her, please!" Elsa's voice was weak as she tried to put her feet beneath her, the men that held her under her arms pulling her from the bed, her head turned back, eyes wide, "Anna!" Her legs would simply not support her, and the weight of her body dragged against the floor, her head falling down to her chest to just focus on breathing as she was forcibly pulled through the door.

Anna's head turned to Alrik who had moved to follow them out, his eyes cold and sharp, a feral grin curving his lips. He made sure to slam the door hard as he passed through, the sound of Elsa's cries carrying through the hallway of the ship, her struggled, straggled breaths echoing down through the wood.

Anna pulled, she pulled as hard as she could possibly do without actually losing an arm. Though the metal cut in deep the pain was nothing compared to what she felt in her soul. Her head turned up as the sounds increased, her eyes tracking unseeing through the floor where they were taking her sister.

The sound of dragged limbs shuddered her heart, the grinding of metal against wood and the heavy footfalls of a man who held no humanity. Anna forced her breathing to go quiet, her ears straining to hear, anything at all.

"The dawn has broken to a new day." Alrik took a deep breath of the cold sea air, his eyes turned out towards the horizon that held no barring, "Isn't it beautiful?" His words were mocking and cold as he turned to face the Ice Queen.

Elsa raised her head to his words, her body bent but unbroken as she sat upon her knees. The men who had dragged her having released her to collapse onto the deck. The voice that had called her back to the spirit realm still echoing in her ears as she found the courage to stare him down.

Alrik turned to face his captive, his chest puffed out like a peacock, "Take me to Ahtohallan."

"No." Elsa could feel her body trembling but her voice was firm. The pain they'd sent through her frame leaving her muscles weak.

Alrik grinned slowly and nodded to the men who stood behind Elsa, "You speak as though you have a choice."

Elsa let out a grunt as the men scooped her up once more, this time they dragged her towards a wooden pillory that sat nearly center of the deck. Though they didn't attach her head, they dragged each of her arms through, the manacles they'd placed at the ends keeping her from slipping out. Her knees bent together to support her weight and her breath hitched from the position.

"Bring me the other." Alrik motioned for the men to go back below decks, his eyes gleaming, "She's going to want to see this."

"You're...wasting your time..." Elsa took in slow deep breaths to keep her vision from going dark, "I don't have any power..."

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