Chapter 1

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"My Lord, please consider the councils' position..." The High Guard lowered his head before opening a wooden box holding inside two manacles designed to cover the hands. Their intricate steel work and expert design only further showing the resolve of their craftsmen.

"Absolutely not!" Agnar's voice turned dangerous, his eyes sharp and narrowed at the guard, "She is my daughter, and your future Queen."

Obviously cowed by the King's anger the guard closed the box with a bowed head.


"Do you have any idea of what they'll do to her?"

"She's locked herself away! We must do something!"

"If the world finds out, they'll lock her away!" King Agnar's voice was heavy with sorrow, worry and anger. His eyes were narrowed but his brows furrowed as he took hold of his wife's arms, his thumbs brushing over soothingly, "I don't like this anymore than you do...but if we have any chance of keeping our daughter with us...this is the way it has to be..."

A soft sob echoed through the memory as Iduna laid her head under her husbands chin, her arms curling over her heart, "I have to tell you something...about my past..."

Agnar raised his head, his eyes filled deep with concern, "I'm listening..."


"What have you been telling her?" A knifes edge cut through, another memory slowly forming into shape.

"I am just trying to help her," An exasperated King turned to face the anger in his wife, "Her powers are connected to her emotions."

A scoff of pure loathing turned the Queen's face away, her arms wrapping tight around her waist, "This is not the way Agnar, you're only making it worse."

"It is the only way I know." Obviously offended, Agnar raised himself up tall, but his eyes held their worry and concern for his daughter, "She is to be Queen of Arendelle, this is no more what would be expected in any other circumstance."

"Our daughter is special," Iduna's voice turned pleading, "We need to find our answers elsewhere."

Agnar's hand brushed the lone tear from his wife's cheek, his lips coming down to press a reverent kiss upon her brow, "I would go anywhere..."

Elsa's throat grew tight as the snow dusted away, the voices of her parents floating along the unnatural wind. Her chest shuddered with barely restrained pain as she turned away. How could something so far in the past still hurt so deeply? Elsa turned her eyes skyward towards the large fractal ceiling of Ahtohallan's very own ice palace. A heavy sigh passed through her lips as she pressed the feeling deep down into her soul.

"Sleep now, my still now don't cry..."

The haunting lullaby filled the chasm, turning Elsa towards the small room she had claimed as her own. A room she used when she found herself unwilling to leave the magical confines of this new world. A small adjustment lifted the bag she'd brought with her from the floor and she found herself following the voice.

"Sleep and remember, my last lullaby. For I'll be with you, when you dream."

"Mother?" It sounded so real, so pure as though just around the frame she would find her mother standing there, in flesh and blood. Her heart raced as she made it through only for it to fall somewhere towards her feet when her eyes landed on the small ice bed she had made, "Not even a snow-mory..."

Frozen III: Night Of Black SunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz